I was having the worst week of my whole life last month and got caught at school with a pipe and weed. The pos didn't get involved but I was required to do 4 days of suspension and a drug assessment at Catholic community services. I already did it and afterwards the piss test was clean, And based on my honest information I didn't have a drug problem, but she was required to reccomend 8 week drug information sessions to me. I can't afford them, and I am told I don't have to do them and plus Im already learning the same stuff in health class, but my parents say I'm required to do it or I'll be expelled. The school said I only had to do an assessment and be suspended for 5 days. They never said I had to go through treatment cuz it didn't go through the police. I need the truth cus im hearing a ton of different things and I'm not feeling better I wanna use the little money I have on a psychologist instead I fear if my depression isn't focused on instead of the "drug problem" I was told i don't actually have from smoking weed when 2 close friends die In the same two weeks, that my mental state will decline and my life will begin to as well.
Don't tell me how I made bad choices, tell me what i need to do in regards to CCS