Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images
Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood celebrate a premature victory at a rally in Cairo’s Tahrir Square Monday. Official results have not been announced.

CAIRO — The Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Mursi claimed victory on Monday in Egypt’s divisive race for the top job, as a military power grab overshadowed the country’s first post-Mubarak presidential election.
Two generals from the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF), however, reiterated that the ruling body would transfer power to the new president by June 30, and insisted he will enjoy full presidential powers.
A confirmed win for Mr. Mursi would mark the first time Islamists have taken the presidency of the Arab world’s most populous nation, but military moves that appeared to render the post toothless were slammed by activists as a coup.
Military decree
Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has issued an interim constitutional declaration following the dissolution of parliament by a court ruling. The following are key elements of the declaration:
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) is the authority that decides on all affairs of the armed forces, appointing its commanders and extending their service. Until a new constitution is adopted, the chairman of the council (Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi) has the authorities of the commander of the armed forces and the defence minister.
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has legislative powers until a new parliament is elected and functioning.
If the assembly tasked with writing a new constitution faces any hurdles in completing its job, SCAF has one week to form another assembly that represents “all forces in society”. The new assembly will have a maximum of three months to complete its role.
The constitution will be put to a referendum within 15 days of completion.
Parliamentary elections will be held within a month of the approval of a new constitution.
If the president, the chairman of SCAF, the Supreme Judicial Council or a fifth of the members of the constituent assembly see that the draft constitution includes a clause that clashes with the basic principles and goals of the revolution or with previous Egyptian constitutions, any of those bodies can ask the assembly to review the clauses in question within 15 days. If the assembly sticks by its draft, any of those bodies can take the matter to the Supreme Constitutional Court, which should rule on the matter within seven days.
The decree also substituted an article in a previous constitutional decree which set out the rules for parliamentary elections. The last article had said the parliamentary vote would be governed by a two-thirds proportional party list system and one-third allocated for independents — a system that was ruled unconstitutional last week. The new article said that parliamentary elections would be governed by “whatever system” is decided upon, without giving details.
The president can call on the military to deal with domestic “disturbances” after the approval of SCAF.
The Associated Press, with files from Reuters

Analysts predicted the military would not relinquish power easily.
“The military may partially exit from power after a new round of tough negotiations with the Islamist and the secular opposition on safeguarding its interests,” said Azzedine Layachi, a Middle East expert from St. John’s University in New York. “However, and no matter what, the military will continue to play a dominant role in Egyptian politics. The question for now is whether they will continue to do so directly for the coming years or indirectly behind the facade of a civilian rule.”
Representatives of Mr. Mursi’s rival Ahmed Shafiq, a former air force chief and ex-prime minister under ousted president Hosni Mubarak, disputed the Brotherhood’s victory claim, calling it an “act of piracy.”
State media reported that initial counts showed Mr. Mursi ahead. “After the counting was finished in all of Egypt’s 27 provinces, indications show that Mohammed Mursi has won 51% and Ahmed Shafiq won 49%,” the state-owned Al-Ahram newspaper said on its website.
There were scenes of jubilation at Mr. Mursi’s Cairo headquarters, where the candidate thanked voters in brief remarks after the Brotherhood said he had secured 52% of the ballots cast.
Mr. Mursi pledged to work “hand-in-hand with all Egyptians for a better future, freedom, democracy, development and peace.”
“We are not seeking vengeance or to settle accounts,” he said, adding that he would build a “modern, democratic state” for all Egyptians, Muslims and Christians alike.
Official results are not expected until Thursday.
Mursi supporters, many tearful, screamed with excitement as several hundred people staged a victory rally in Cairo’s iconic Tahrir Square.
But their jubilation was overshadowed by the prospect of a looming showdown between the Brotherhood and the ruling military, which granted itself sweeping powers.
The new measures came just days after a court packed with judges appointed by Mr. Mubarak dissolved the Islamist-dominated parliament, and the military assumed broad authority to arrest civilians — and less than two weeks from the date the rulers set for a transfer of power back to civilians.
The Brotherhood insisted the Islamist-dominated parliament still had the power to legislate.
Its political arm said the Islamists would take part in “all popular activities against the constitutional coup and the dissolution of parliament, beginning on Tuesday,” when activists have called for mass demonstrations.
The SCAF has introduced de facto martial law, given itself control of the legislature and state budget and also granted itself veto power on a new constitution to be written by a panel that it will pick.
“The military hands power to the military,” read the headline of the independent daily Al-Masry al-Youm.
“A president with no powers,” said another independent, Al-Shorouk.
The Brotherhood, which was accused of monopolizing politics after last year’s revolt, now finds itself increasingly marginalised, and even faces a lawsuit challenging its legitimacy and legal status.
But the military insists it will transfer power to the new president.

Agence France-Presse, with files from The Associated Press