23 June 2012 Last updated at 09:32 ETThe presidential run-off was held last weekend
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The delayed results of Egypt's presidential run-off will be announced on Sunday, the election commission has said.
It has been considering appeals by the two candidates - Mohammed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood and the former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq.
They have both claimed victory and say they will appoint unity governments.
Muslim Brotherhood supporters have been demonstrating in central Cairo to demand the announcement of the result.
The BBC's Jon Leyne in the capital, Cairo, says the country is deeply polarised, and there are fears that the final announcement might only make matters worse.
Results from the run-off election were originally due out on Thursday.
"Faruk Sultan, the head of the presidential election commission, will announce the results of the presidential election run-off on Sunday at 3:00pm (13:00 GMT)," the commission's secretary general, Hatem Bagato, said in a statement.
Muslim Brotherhood supporters are maintaining a vigil in Tahrir Square where on Friday tens of thousands of protesters gathered to denounce a move by Egypt's ruling generals to seize sweeping powers.
Last weekend, the military dissolved parliament, claiming legislative power.
On Friday, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (Scaf) called on supporters of both candidates to accept the result.