I am looking for an anime where the main male character is put in a new environment he has never experienced before, has to be male and going to school.
I'm not looking for an anime where the main character goes to another world or anything like that, I want something like the main character was raised in the wild and goes to a city school, or a boy who has been in military training all his life but now gets to experience school, or that comes from another world, etc.

It doesn't matter what his situation is I just want a main character who is experiencing a new environment and stands out and is a center of attention.

I have seen many where a female character comes from another world and goes to school, a bit too common, is as if anime has to be in the order where female characters come from other worlds and male characters go to other worlds.
Yea I was going to say don't list Full Metal Manic! but I did not think any one would actually list it.