I like this guy. I got the feeling he might like me too. We've been getting along well for a while now and all is well. I've been sticking around after work to talk to him and its become a habit now. It's like when he is about to leave and I have other friends that are still sticking around, he tells me we should go now and we just go. Sometimes we go and hang out after or sometimes we don't. He seems to notice men flirting with me more then I notice it. He points it out and mentions it or he mentions things about me to coworkers(when I'm present, don't know if he does when i'm not there). He mentions things we do outside of work together to guys that (I THINK) he feels might be flirting with me. It's like a gut feeling. I might be wrong, but what do you think? We are both shy so we haven't really talked about us dating or liking each other though we have complimented the shit out of each other, haha!