"Motion while sitting still," or similar such phrasing, is a favorite of automaker press releases. Every car manufacturer loves to pretend that its latest car looks like it's speeding down the highway even while it's parked at Denny's. For Milan Design Week, Mazda extends the same design concept to the very essence of sitting still: a chair.
Mazda calls its still motion "KODO," which translates to "Soul of Motion." The design language began with the 2010 Shinari concept and made it to production lines on the CX-5 redesign. Mazda says that KODO styling was inspired by the natural movements of animals in the wild.
Mazda describes the KODO Chair's styling as a "ready-to-pounce, forward-leaning stance conveying the sudden release of pent-up energy." We'd argue that those long, lanky front legs actually give the chair more of a feel of a rear-leaning entity, such as a child playing crab soccer, but we'll agree to call it a tensed-up rear lean, as in a snake or feline about to lay teeth into an unwelcome guest.
Mazda revealed the chair in its Mazda Con-Temporary Space (MACS) within the Zona Tortona district of Milan, where it's joined by the new Mazda6, the second member of the KODO family.

Mazda isn't on a private island when it comes to automakers building chairs. At last year's Design Miami event, Audi gave its own take with the R18 Ultra Chair," and a number of other automakers are displaying home furnishings in Milan.
For a thorough tour of the creations of Milan Design Week, be sure to visit our photo round-up.
Source: Mazda

Upon graduating college with a poli sci degree, Chris toiled in the political world for several years. Realizing he was better off making cynical comments from afar than actually getting involved in all that mess, he turned away from matters of government and news to cover the things that really matter: outdoor recreation, cool cars, technology, wild gadgets and all forms of other toys. He's happily following the wisdom of his father who told him that if you find something you love to do, it won't really be work. All articles by C.C. Weiss