I have stomach issues and I vomit very frequently. I have noticed that sometimes when I vomit particularly hard, I see what appears to be like a hundred starts shooting around my head. Or, they are similar to like fireworks or little explosions. And I can see them everywhere I look. They may last up to 30 seconds, and then they go away. Other times, I vomit and I may lose my hearing for up to 30 seconds and my head feels very "full", like a LOT of pressure. I do not have health insurance and I am unemployed so I can not afford to see a doctor about it now. What is making me really nervous is that yesterday I saw them and I was just laying down and I wasn't even vomiting. Is this from high blood pressure from vomiting? I am very curious because I have such horrible persistent headaches too. But, I take Lisinopril for blood pressure. I am 29. Any ideas???

I may also have MRSA...which is a whole other story!!