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  1. #11
    Years ago we were told that the planet was cooling and that we were due to have another Ice AGe.

    In the past 20 years the left has pushed global warming and now that they have no definitive proof of warming they are adopting the climate change.

    Ok it is changing, this is the natural long term cycle of the earth. If it is cooling and the "science??" of warming is CO2 then how does CO2 play into climate change and global cooling? They cannot make that leap and stay credible. They will try but based on their own formula it is false.

  2. #12
    Maelstroms Wake
    Maelstroms Wake's Avatar
    Global warming is real, just not 'man-made' global warming. Global warming happens naturally. Climate change is real, but the climate has been changing ever since there has been a climate. I mean North America used to be covered in a massive glacier...

    And no liberals do not care to think about these things, they just listen to what their liberal college professor says.

  3. #13
    rudens's Avatar
    take corn out of your diet, and the diet of cattle, and you will have a lot less gas in the world, and throw corn syrup out too, and there will be a lot less fat in the world too, even cats and dogs should not eat corn products, you must see that cattle and hogs are fed corn to get fat, to raise the market price, we all put this corn into animals and people, when it should have been put into car and trucks 80 years ago, we messed up, agriculture has it backward, just because we learned to grow it does not make it right, but the profit game of corporate america where thinking only of the republican bill-fold of more, with chemical world lapping at the plate, people second, money market first, now the chemicals are swimming in your drinking water, and your soda pop, your cheese, your milk, and your fish comes from ocean of plastic trash, dumped from every boat and ship in it.........need I continue......

  4. #14
    Mike B
    Mike B's Avatar
    My Son, to understand the liberal mind one must understand that is the cause that counts not any evidence as to whether the cause is correct or not.

  5. #15
    gomanyes's Avatar
    Scientifically, there is no difference. There is no link missing. And yes, there is global warming.

  6. #16
    Track, you're smarter than this. The physics is simple: CO2 is a good absorber of infrared and it reradiates it back to earth. The greenhouse effect is what keeps us from this earth being a frozen ice ball. Added atmospheric CO2 just adds to this effect and make the planet warmer

    But I like to think it as climate disruption, not global warming, nor climate change. We will adapt. But the more we do now to mitigate it and adapt to it, the better.

    Btw: I really like the corn guy's answer above me. Very funny, even if he did not intend it to be quite so funny.

  7. #17
    Mercer Devil
    Mercer Devil's Avatar
    Global warming is the increase in average global temperature. This has been happening for the past couple decades and is a provable scientific fact.

    Climate change is when climates change. Extra energy in weather patterns, as reflected by global warming, is causing them to shift. The shift in weather patterns is leading to a shift in climate.

    They are both happening. However, climate change is the more noticeable one. Liberals switched to climate change because global warming is too subtle a concept for conservatives to understand. Conservatives need scientific evidence that hits them upside the head before they will believe it.

  8. #18
    jennatellwertz's Avatar
    The point is there are like 2 retarded republican fish squirrel monkey scientists who say Global Warming is not real. 98% of the worlds scientists can prove the greenhouse effect is causing global warming. Climate change as someone stated below is just trying to downplay something that would affect the greed of the wealthy. Honestly who cares if Global warming is real or not it is obvious we are screwing up our planet with pollution, and it is our job to do something about it.

  9. #19
    jchanman33's Avatar
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    To think that we can effect the climate of a planet like ours is complete arrogance on the part of liberals who think that man is all powerful. The world has been around for a long long long time before man ever came to be here and the climate went through cycles then as it is now it's natural and has happened several times before, what we do does not have a major impact on the climate.

    I try telling liberals this and they say "but you can't deny the climate is changing" then I say have you not listened to a word I said... look it up our climate changes naturally...i.e. the ice age

  10. #20
    Pierre Evole's Avatar
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    Uh, the scientists in particular whom you have failed to reference may not support global warming claims, but the vast majority of the scientific community does. And yes, climate change = global warming. It's called climate change because it also encompasses a vast amount of other environmental changes on the planet - ocean currents and acidity, air quality, etc.

    Moreover, scientists didn't originate the term "climate change" it was instituted by the Bush administration to make "global warming" sound less alarming. So, you asked about the missing link? Here it is: CO2 -> greenhouse effect -> global warming -> Bush administration's need to downplay global warming -> climate change.

    You are also, yourself, acknowledging the fact that CO2 has a noticeable effect on our planet's climate. So do you really think this could be any sort of positive effect?



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