Diu.. I'm living with my brother and his girlfriend and she takes things VERY SERIOUS because she grew up in a very polite family where respect and serious is a virtue.

What's the story?

Some guy from China, wants to buy our furniture and wants to buy a Tv stand, coffee table, table + 4 chairs, a bed + bedside table all for a cheap price of 250 dollars but he wants to make it lower to 210 dollars. BTW we're talking Australian Dollars.

Anyways he wants the rubbish bin and it costs $30, but we denied to sell it for FREE. They seem to really want the rubbish bin, and I added "You can buy one yourself". His response sigh.. and still decides to make it cheaper.

I called him a cheap asian, just make your own lar..

And then my bro and his girlfriend gave me this weird look, and I replied (in my head: "not again. politeness -.-") what? it's just a joke.
The people who wanted to buy our furniture did not seem offended.

When my bro and his gf told me that I'm wrong, I just don't see how is it wrong??

they said I called him "YOU CHEAP ASIAN" - in a rude way of talking

And then I was like: "errr, that's not how I said it"

And then his gf tries to persuade my bro to talk to me more about it and say that what I said was SO OFFENSIVE. -.- my ass is offensive.

I agree that I'm a bit offensive but I disagree that im SO OFFENSIVE. god..

And my brother talks about my past about myself being bullied and he doesn't believe that I was bullied because I came from support, and he thinks I insulted them when in fact I rarely socialize with those people, because I don't like them.

Might I add, whenever they cook they expect me to say thank you. If I don't, then she'll become very ANGRY with me and this happens every time I have to eat with them. It's like hell, I rather say in japanese "itadakuimasu" which means thanks for the food and stuff like that, then saying thank you to the person all the time which I believe is a pain in the ass and also creeps ppl out as if you're the guests to the table. But the fact is I helped out as well to make the food, and I helped clean the dishes. What more do they want? And dude, I know how to cook myself. I rather cook then clean the dishes.

Tell me what you think of the situation.