Ok, I am SICK of apartment living. I definitely want a house and know I have to work on saving money and building better credit. I've weighed the options of apartments to houses...They BOTH have pros and cons unfortunately but have decided we REALLY need a house. I'm married with a child and one on the way in a 2 bedroom small ass apartment. I feel so SUFFOCATED.

Anyway, I was hypothetically wondering if it's possible to still purchase a house with crappy credit? Mine is about a 630 and my husbands is probably not even on the charts. In the last few years we were stupid about credit cards but are trying, slowly but surely to pay everything off. Our total "debt" is about 10,000 combined.

Also, lets say I CAN get a house. What is included in the mortgage monthly payments? Is it possible to get a DECENT 3+ bedroom home for under 750/month TOTAL tax, insurance and mortgage? Or is that a silly dream? I definitely don't want to buy a crap hole-something liveable....