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  1. #1
    "Renee"'s Avatar
    i am starting in photography myself right now. i am starting with a canon rebel xsi. i think its a great way to start out because its alot cheaper then the bigger cameras out there. (You can play around to see if you like Nikon or Canon better... everyone is different)

    also taking classes would help you out alot, its alot of fun and it shows you what to look for. Mostly right to start out with is basic stuff, camera, lens, bag, memory card (the more the more pictures you can hold) and maybe a tripod, that one is your choice. i started to ask friends who were getting married, pregnant, who had kids, to let me take pictures for free to help get my experience up and help with my Portfolio. Then once you get your business license and start charging... you go from there. But i say start with a class, get a cheaper camera, and just take shots of whoever or whatever you see. its a great way to begin!

  2. #2
    conmic413's Avatar
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    How to get into photography?

    I've lately been curious about getting into photography, but im not sure what kind of camera is good for a beginner, and i could use some advice on how to get started, like what i need besides a camera, any clases i could take, and any other advice would be very appreciated.

  3. #3
    RaSheaJ's Avatar
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    Get a cheap beginner camera, like Nikon's D40 (between 400-500 new with a decent kit) or one of Canon's Rebels (except T1i, that's maybe a little too advanced and too expensive). Cameras depreciate greatly over time because they become outdated quickly with the technology advances, so it's best to get a cheaper one while you learn, then when you have more of an idea of what you're doing, upgrade to the better camera.

    Usually any camera kit bought from a store will include dvds or books to help you take better pictures. Now sure how old you are, so if you're in high school or college you could take a class there, or there are usually community classes for photography. Or if there aren't any near you, there are groups that can help you out as well.

  4. #4
    francis s's Avatar
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    The foundation of every 2D art is Black&White!
    I would recommend you practice with BW and develop your compositions. You'll then find it easier to take beautiful pictures in color.
    Have fun!

  5. #5
    Andrew's Avatar
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    For someone who knows nothing about photography, I recommend a Canon. Maybe the Canon 350D would be suited to you, it's the camera I started with.

    But I don't know, it may be outdated now.

    Go to a photographic class, they will reccomend the camera you need.

    As for other advice - never shoot into the sun, always wear the neckstrap, take lots of pictures of the same thing so you get more photos to choose from, ALWAYS have a camera with you and having a diagonal in your shot will greatly increase the quality of it (I don't know why either, it just does)



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