I planted tomatoes, cucumbers, bush beans, peppers (bell), eggplant, onions, and strawberries along with a few herbs. I covered the eggplant and peppers on the coldest nights. But the cucumbers aren't looking the greatest and the bean's leaves look pale. The tomatoes are fine. They just seem to have not grown an inch. We had a really warm day yesterday and I noticed one of the tomato plants has flowers on it already! It's only 10" high! This can't be good, can it? Should I fertilize everything? When I planted I added compost manure to the soil, but I'm not sure this was enough so seeing how stressed the plants were by the cold. I normally don't fertilize until I start seeing the fruit forming. For the most part the onions look good and so do the strawberries and herbs.
What should I do about the rest? The weather looks warm for here on out. And what's up with that tomato plant flowering so early?