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  1. #1
    BratRich's Avatar
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    "On an average a sex offender commits 100 sex offences"?

    A former prosecutor, Wendy Murphy, said this tonight on MS-NBC. She pointed out that statistic from a study that is regularly cited.

    "...means that we let the first time offender go free to commit 99 other similar offenses.....they should be put out for the life..."

    She went on to say that the reason is the TOTAL LACK OF RESPECT for women in children in America in today's society.

    Is that true? On AVERAGE 100 offenses? Are we living in Darfur?
    SHE says, not me.
    She means repeat offences.

  2. #2
    Erin's Avatar
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    that is not 100 rapes or something. it might be looking at illegal pictures, going to parks and watching kids.

    lawyers can make anything sound like a huge deal. not that sex offenses arent a huge deal, but i think that 100 offenses per person is a little skewed. it could also be the average of 2 people, one who committed 200 offenses and another who committed 1 offense.

    its just a scare tactic so that the lawyer could make a point and get what she wanted. i would bet she couldnt cite the source of her information.

  3. #3
    Playto's Avatar
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    Makes sense to me. A sex offender is a sex offender their entire life. There is no psychological cure. There is no medical cure. There is no cure at all. Everything has been tried from incarceration, where they become victims or victimize, to castration, both chemical and physical. Even a child molester or rapist who is castrated, continues to rape or molest.

    This does not reflect a lack of respect for women and children as much as it is a reflection of society's acceptance of excuses and reasoned for all sorts of deviant behavior. The current legal system is one of rehabilitation and not punishment. The old penitentiary system was where people did penance for crimes. They sat in a cell and that was all. The recidivism rate for criminal behavior was 95%. These days we believe in rehabilitation, counseling, laws that require a "least level of restriction," We spend thousands of times more money than in the past. Inmates get TV, recreation, books, swimming pools, internet access, quality meals, and a whole lot more. The recidivism rate is still 95%. (With sex offenders the rate is closer to 100%)

    Society thinks they are helping and programs that take millions and millions of our tax dollars in the name of rehabilitation and "doing good" are wasted on a criminal and deviant population. It's all a scam to bilk funds from the government and perpetuate the idea of helping agencies and rehabilitation, even though it is well established that the system does not work.

    The librilism of the day, does not work. It does not work for any of us, men, women, children. It does not work for the criminal population, drug offenders, murderers, rapists, or molesters. The system we have does not do what we pay it to do. rehabilitation is a myth; however, people still see the penitentury system as cruel and will not go back to it. There may not be a solution. Still, we could sure save a whole lot of money by going back to the older system. But then look at all the "help" agencies that would be put out of business. It's a sort of "catch-22" system at this point. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.



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