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  1. #111

    Summarize for me, WITHOUT bias, the whole Israel thing

    I'll give it a whirl.

    In the late 40's the jews were given a nation in israel, since hitler tried to put them in ovens. Palestinians/arabs hate these people because they are descendants of the people who killed jesus. The want the land the jews are on, and to eliminate them from earth. Arafat established the PLO to kill off the jews. Then both sides started using terrorism, but it never made either government cave in. Arafat ended the PLO after intense terrorism and unorthadox fighting among the two groups, both sides were very ugly. Israel gave a bunch of land up to Arabs, hezbollah got alot of political power and decided that just giving up land is not enough, and kept using terrorism. Then we are at today, israel is fighting back harder than ever.

  2. #112
    16:26's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    Summarize for me, WITHOUT bias, the whole Israel thing

    does that really matter?

  3. #113
    caseay's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    Summarize for me, WITHOUT bias, the whole Israel thing

    Britain gives the jews land in the middle of ayerabville, the jews take all our money and build a war machine to kill ayerabs that have a problem with the landgrab, we then fund the jews(unwillingly) so they can act out a stupid play written in some religious blog from the 'hand of god'.
    The story continues...

    Oh, down with Israel btw

  4. #114

    Summarize for me, WITHOUT bias, the whole Israel thing

    you failed history (and at reading the thread)

  5. #115

    Summarize for me, WITHOUT bias, the whole Israel thing

    Whoever wrote your history did not convince me in the least.

  6. #116

    Summarize for me, WITHOUT bias, the whole Israel thing

    Well, unless they find a place to stuff all the jews, then what are they supposed to do?

  7. #117

    Summarize for me, WITHOUT bias, the whole Israel thing

    stating that "Britain gave isreal to the jews" is vastly oversimplifying it.

  8. #118

    Summarize for me, WITHOUT bias, the whole Israel thing

    ok well together with IBM hitler rounded up a load of jews and killed them, them the rest of us went' awww' and decided that you had inadvertantly killed enough of your own ppl to quantify getting israel.

    None of it would not have happened if the jews had not become jealous of german superior market dominance. I also recal judea declaring war on germany before germany did on them, it had something to do with a boycot.



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