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  1. #131
    wynter's Avatar
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    STAR TREK Appreciation #1: In 2009 comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time

    Oh cool, you have the novelisation? I'd like to get that eventually, I only have the audiobook at the moment. Which is fun in itself, to be fair, considering that ZQ reads it :lol:

    Wow, really, you didn't get the appeal behind Spock/Kirk? Not even the basis of the epic friendship? My knowledge is limited too because I'm not an original fan, but I kinda understood that obviously their relationship is at the heart of the show, and whatever verse ST happens to be in. It doesn't mean I like the slash, though :look:

    I loved Jim and Bones' relationship too, they're quite obviously BFFs. I said this in my review but I just adore the different relationships between the whole crew in general, there's so many dynamics to play with there, but it's obvious they're all super-close and like this big family. I cannot freaking wait to see more of that portrayed in the future films!

  2. #132
    Lennie1984's Avatar

    STAR TREK Appreciation #1: In 2009 comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time

    I also like Simon Pegg, i like his movies

  3. #133
    MissMarie's Avatar
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    STAR TREK Appreciation #1: In 2009 comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time

    Definitely. He deserves some. I'm reading the novelization right now and I just passed the point where Sarek (I think) says that to him. Good dialogue in there.

    Awe, really? :hug: I adore you, I really do.

    I'm curious about who everyone ships because I know the major slash ship is Kirk/Spock; I've just never understood that.

    Then again, my knowledge of Star Trek remains only with the new film so I don't know too much about the fandom within. I'm a big Jim/Bones shipper, friendship and love. And I think Spock/Uhura is cute.

  4. #134
    wynter's Avatar
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    STAR TREK Appreciation #1: In 2009 comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time

    Thanks! I felt like after the Kirk stuff, I should show some Spock love too

    I ship Kirk/Spock in the sense that I LOVE their bromance and epic friendship, but I don't slash them. I do ship Spock/Uhura though, I just love their relationship and I think they're awesome together.

    By the way Jenny, I left you a special birthday post the other day, on my LJ, you should check it out if you get a chance!

  5. #135
    wynter's Avatar
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    STAR TREK Appreciation #1: In 2009 comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time

    I used to watch some of Star Trek when I was younger, though I was never a huge fan. But I am SO excited about this movie :lol: Namely because of J.J. Abrams at the helm :thud: And Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg and John Cho? Hell yeah!

  6. #136
    Lennie1984's Avatar

    STAR TREK Appreciation #1: In 2009 comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time

    I have probably seen some of it by chance and know some of the characters names but never ever got interested in it, so this movie will be a good way of knowing what Star Trek is all about lol

  7. #137
    RockStar's Avatar
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    STAR TREK Appreciation #1: In 2009 comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time

    Thanks for the thread! I'll go ahead and admit I've never seen one second of Star Trek. This will probably be the first Star Trek anything I will ever see. :nod:

  8. #138
    Lennie1984's Avatar

    STAR TREK Appreciation #1: In 2009 comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time

    (Coming in 2009)

    Not a Star Trek fan, but this movie i will watch and see what its all about and also the cast list seems impressive

    Star Trek | Official Movie Site | In Theaters May 2009 | Star Trek Movie
    Star Trek (2009)
    Star Trek (2009 film) | TrekMovie.com

    From director J.J. Abrams ("Mission: Impossible III," "Lost" and "Alias") and screenwriters Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci ("TRANSFORMERS," "MI: III") comes a new vision of the greatest space adventure of all time, "Star Trek," featuring a young, new crew venturing boldly where no man has gone before.

    Cast - Character
    Chris Pine - Kirk
    Zachary Quinto - Spock
    Eric Bana - Nero
    Simon Pegg - Scotty
    Winona Ryder - Amanda Grayson
    Zoe Saldana - Nyota Uhura
    Karl Urban - Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
    John Cho - Hikaru Sulu
    Bruce Greenwood - Christopher Pike
    Ben Cross - Sarek
    Anton Yelchin - Pavel Chekov
    Leonard Nimoy - Old Spock
    Jennifer Morrison - Winona Kirk
    Rachel Nichols - Orion



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