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  1. #171
    taovande's Avatar

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Mavericks: I'm doing the same thing...except I'm silently wishing that anyone else nominated in the category besides Hudson will win.

  2. #172
    -res cogitans-
    -res cogitans-'s Avatar

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    im pissed that Adrianna didnt win and pans labrynth!!!!

  3. #173
    WildatHeart's Avatar
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    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    ^ i hope she does. Ellen is so good at hosting awards shows so i don't think she'll disappoint. And she might stick to movies only, nothing else. She already said she will no tbe making any jokes about Britney Spears like other comedians are doing. I respect her so much for that, for knowing not to pick on someone who is obviously suffering from some type of depression.

    i ran down from my room to the comp lab just to say how awesome i thought J. Holliday did performing on the preshow!!! She sounded so good. I wonder if Jennier Hudson was watching, i hope she was, that would be so awesome if she watched

  4. #174
    MarkedBlackBehr's Avatar

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Best Cinematography - Curse of the Golden Flower

    Best Costume Design - Curse of the Golden Flower

  5. #175
    broken|smile's Avatar

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    I wasnt too fond of Dreamgirls, m not gonna say I was unhappy Jennifer won because I wasnt too pleased with the other nominees as well, and she was OK, I nearly fell asleep during the movie, but she kept me awake, sometimes with her surprisingly good acting (compared to the rest) and sometims with her very loud voice, but I am very happy Eddie didnt win, Id heard a lot about his performance and I payed a lot of attention but I didnt see anything special about it, sure it was better compared to his older work but not compared to Mark and Alan Arkin.

    I has nothing to do with the fact that they are african-american, its because the other nominees were better, there are amazing african-american actors and actresses such as Denzel Washington and Halle Berry and I was vey happy when they won but I didnt feel that way this year!

    BTW I loved Crash and I seriousley cannot understand why people didnt like it, it was powerful and affecting andthe characters seemed real. but oh well, maybe Brokback was better but I havent seen it so I cant say!

  6. #176
    Merlin_Bodhi's Avatar

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Great Awards

    So Happy for Martin and The Departed.

  7. #177
    WildatHeart's Avatar
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    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    thank you! now i can look for it. I've been wanting to buy it lol

  8. #178
    WildatHeart's Avatar
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    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Has Jennifer herself said that she was an inspiration(i really don't know lol)? She is always seems so thankful for all her success. In fact, i've been reading a lot of reviews of the Oscars where they say her acceptance speech was the only genuine emotion in the whole show. The only times i've ever seen her come as across as "cocky" maybe is when she talks about her weight , and i don't think thats a bad thing at all.

    and i don't think AI helped her get the audition thatmuch. I think I have an interview with 1 of the fimmakers somewhere in my dorm room where he said they almost counted that as something against her. If her being on AI mattered theen Fantasia would've gotten the role when she auditioned cuz it was mentioned that she did awesome when she auditioned for Effie. And she would've been a safer choice seeing as how she won AI and had a platinum album whereas Jennifer had fallen off the radar. Plus vocal-wise, Fantasia sounds more like J. Holliday than Jennifer does, another reason why maybe they would'v eloved to go with Fantasia. And Jennifer knows how to act. Even with the songs, she knows how to act them. I caught the ending of some show on BET. From what i could gather from the few minutes, it was about this girl who wanted to sing all the Dreamgirls songs and they brought jennifer on to give her lessons. And Jennifer told her right after the girl first performed for her(she did "i am changing"), that she needed to sing with more feeling and why that song needed to be sung with feeling.

  9. #179
    taovande's Avatar

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    I'm a big enough nerd to do this, I've seen the majority of the films nominated--so I'm going to make my picks now (in bold)-and I'm not saying I think they will, it's more the film that I want to win.

    Best Picture:
    "Babel," "The Departed," "Letters From Iwo Jima," "Little Miss Sunshine," "The Queen."

    I'm actually pretty torn on this category, I loved 4 of the 5 movies nominated this year (not the biggest fan of The Queen).

    2. Actor:
    Leonardo DiCaprio, "Blood Diamond"; Ryan Gosling, "Half Nelson"; Peter O'Toole, "Venus"; Will Smith, "The Pursuit of Happyness"; Forest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland."

    I've only seen two of the nominated actors (Forest and Leo) so this category isn't a for sure with me. If Leo had been nominated for The Departed instead--this vote might have been different.

    3. Actress:
    Penelope Cruz, "Volver"; Judi Dench, "Notes on a Scandal"; Helen Mirren, "The Queen"; Meryl Streep, "The Devil Wears Prada"; Kate Winslet, "Little Children."

    Judi Dench was scary good in this role. And I definitely thought she was better than the leading contender, Helen Mirren. DIdn't get a chance to see Kate Winslet though--as I blinked and the movie was pulled from the theatre where I live. (Why must I blink!)

    4. Supporting Actor:
    Alan Arkin, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Jackie Earle Haley, "Little Children"; Djimon Hounsou, "Blood Diamond"; Eddie Murphy, "Dreamgirls"; Mark Wahlberg, "The Departed."

    I know my pick has an almost zero chance of winning--but he rocked in this part and stole every single scene he was in.

    5. Supporting Actress:
    Adriana Barraza, "Babel"; Cate Blanchett, "Notes on a Scandal"; Abigail Breslin, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Jennifer Hudson, "Dreamgirls"; Rinko Kikuchi, "Babel."

    I had to highlight the two--they were both amazing.

    6. Directing:
    Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, "Babel"; Martin Scorsese, "The Departed"; Clint Eastwood, "Letters From Iwo Jima"; Stephen Frears, "The Queen"; Paul Greengrass, "United 93."

    He had amazing camera angles and to adapt a movie and make it his own is pretty amazing.

    Who else wants to make a go of it?

  10. #180
    Enigma's Avatar
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    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Okay here are my picks at the moment... Bold is who I think is going to win and italicized are the ones I want to win.

    Best Picture: "Babel," "The Departed," "Letters From Iwo Jima," "Little Miss Sunshine," "The Queen."

    I think either one of these pics will win and I'll be happy either way. I will cry if it's Babel. :lol:

    Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, "Blood Diamond"; Ryan Gosling, "Half Nelson"; Peter O'Toole, "Venus"; Will Smith, "The Pursuit of Happyness"; Forest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland."

    I would love to see Leo win, but like everyone else, I would have preferred to see him get the nod for The Departed. But, either way, I just don't think it's his year. Forrest seems to be a lock. Ryan and Will would be big upsets, but they were both teriffic!

    Actress: Penelope Cruz, "Volver"; Judi Dench, "Notes on a Scandal"; Helen Mirren, "The Queen"; Meryl Streep, "The Devil Wears Prada"; Kate Winslet, "Little Children."

    Judi all the way!!!! But, sadly I think Helen will win.

    Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Jackie Earle Haley, "Little Children"; Djimon Hounsou, "Blood Diamond"; Eddie Murphy, "Dreamgirls"; Mark Wahlberg, "The Departed."

    I'd love to see Djimon win. Sadly I haven't seen Little Children, but I hear Jackie Earle Haley is amazing. I think Eddie will win, but it really is one of the best races this year because I could see it going 3 or 4 different directions. And unlike alot of people here, I thought Eddie did a teriffic job in Dreamgirls. And I guess a part of it is because it was something so different for him.

    Supporting Actress: Adriana Barraza, "Babel"; Cate Blanchett, "Notes on a Scandal"; Abigail Breslin, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Jennifer Hudson, "Dreamgirls"; Rinko Kikuchi, "Babel."

    I think Jennifer will win this category. And I think it would be well deserved. She was amazing!! And like I've said before, not just any actress or singer could have done that role. I give Jennifer alot of props. I wouldn't be upset if Cate or Abigail won as I loved both of them as well. I thought Adriana and Rinko were both good but not to win in comparison to the others.

    Directing: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, "Babel"; Martin Scorsese, "The Departed"; Clint Eastwood, "Letters From Iwo Jima"; Stephen Frears, "The Queen"; Paul Greengrass, "United 93."

    Scorsese all the way! I think it's his year. I wouldn't be shocked if Eastwood takes it for Iwo Jima though.



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