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Thread: Child Porn :(

  1. #11
    Sufiya Varachhia's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(

    Methinks OC is a KP watching, downloading Freak that tries to convince himself that it's ok to download KP but Not to share KP.

    Me also thinks that I'm Tired of the KP King Mis-spelling my Nick in an attempt to be a wize guy. You asked for it, you got it Freak.

    This attempt to insult me is Not the First time you've done this, but it may be the Last.

  2. #12
    Joe's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(


    Aaron is completely right, such methods could easily see innocent people being accused of distributing CP, destroying families and costing people their homes and livelihood's. And what is worse, you personally would trust the LW org to police this system that you propose, I think that you must be very naive.

    A few weeks back I noticed that a Limewire.exe file was in my Incomplete folder so I wrote to this forum about it. Through sheer persistence, one of the forum members found that the LW org were using my PC, as well as other users, to distribute Limewire without our express permission or knowledge. In other words they were stealing our Internet bandwidth.

    Now, suppose some unscrupulous person got hold of this method and started to distribute CP via your computer without your knowledge. Under your rules you would be automatically reported to the police and the first time you would know that anything was wrong is when the police come to arrest you and seize your PC.

    And, of course, you would be guilty because you could not prove that the CP on your PC was not yours.

    The point I am making is simply this, you cannot put your faith or trust in an organisation that has its own agenda and is unaccountable to you.

    And if someone or some organisation has the technical knowledge and ability to compromise your PC then they can and will, your PC is not 100% safe or secure.

    I firmly believe that if you come across CP then report it, let the authorities find the bad guys. However, I will not condone or have anything to do with witch hunts simply because innocent people get hurt, sometimes irreversibly.

    UK Bob

  3. #13
    iga k's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(

    What does the LW Admins do about Users who shares Child Porn? I got a chock today when i found a user, who got like 1036 illegal files with Child porn. Personally I think its the most disgusting harms of action to commit irl. If u dont do anything about the illegal activities on LW i need to know why, because i rather call the FBI or other autorities to stop that kind of dirty actions!

  4. #14
    Lavern logel's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(

    Obviously our PC's are unsafe. That's a given. I suppose my proposal was a completely bad idea, and no one else has any idea on how to help the authorities. I suppose I will continue on my own with trying my best to help them catch these criminals. However my question is... Are you the ones that are gullible into believing that if you leave it up to police things are done faster because they are 'trained'? I believe so. The more people who act together, things are completed faster. But I guess in my eyes, that's just the way life is. You help someone, things get done faster, and more accurately. You don't help, and maybe someday it will end up being your child, or grandchild becoming one of the victims. So instead of sitting here and talking with people who by the looks of things do not have open minds, nor guts to stand up for our children, I will get off here and continue what I was doing prior to this. Helping capture sick animals, while knowing that I'm at least helping to protect my own children, and possibly yours.

    PS: Concerning the comment about Child Porn mysteriously showing up in my PC without my knowledge and still be haled off in cuRAB... Charges filed because of owning it... Where I'm living that is NOT the case. If you are truly knowledgeable in computer software/hardware, you will know that there are ways of getting hard core information that the normal Joe can't get his hands on.

    As for that note, thank you for your replies. And thank you for sitting in front of your computer doing by the looks of things, NOTHING to help protect the innocent. Hopefully if you have kids, at least you are protecting them. Hopefully.

  5. #15
    Belial's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(

    Sacrificing constitutional and legal protections for "speed" is never a wise idea.
    The reason these matters should be left to the police are many but two that stand
    out are fairness and accuracy. Obviously this is a hot-button issue and that is why
    it is so easy to dispense with the constitution, the law and any sense of
    proportionality when dealing with it.

    Amateur activists could easily overstep reasonable limits on behaviour and unfairly
    victimize perceived offenders only to find out later that it is they who were
    committing serious crimes against the innocent. Trained investigators are much
    better equipped mentally and emotionally to do their job professionally and with
    much less risk of falsely accusing members of the public of crimes so heinous that
    even the allegation bears life-changing (or even life-ending) consequences. Take a
    second look at yourself and what you just said. If you fail to consider another as a
    human being simply because of a suspicion then it is you who have become the
    sick animal, and it is you who have become a danger to the public peace.

    Trained investigators are also well versed in the techniques, laws and regulations
    that ensure a high degree of accuracy in their work. They may not always succeed
    but they do have that advantage over vigilantes and it is the most important factor
    in getting convictions in a court of law. Rushing in to help "capture sick animals"
    is far more likely to taint the case and make any evidence gathered useless
    because amateurs don't know when to keep hands off and how to preserve
    evidence for trial. The end result of inexperience and enthusiasm is that of
    protecting the criminal by making it impossible to prosecute. The police may
    seem slow to you but there is good reason for their calm and methodical approach.
    If you interfere with it in any way you should expect to be charged with obstruction.

    Your duty is to report any finds to an appropriate channel like the Center for
    Missing and Exploited Children and then back off to let the police do their job, no
    more and no less. That's it. You have no right to insinuate that we have done any
    more or less than quietly fulfil that duty either, period, end of sentence. Nor is it
    appropriate for you to accuse the police of failing to do their duties in this regard.
    The only time you hear of their activities on this front is when they bring offenders
    to court, so don't bother to complain about what you cannot know.

  6. #16
    randyj4ever's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(

    Oddly enough, you can't actually be sure it is (though yeah, it probably is) since it's possible for people to rename files with unrelated stuff (like an episode of MASH or Charlie Chaplin) with keywords related to the content you are describing.

    Similarly, people can rename illegal content as something without such keywords, they disseminate it as a form of information terrorism and put other people at risk. Such people are essentially what make it problematic to share media anonymously like this, at least as long as media can potentially be illegal.

    The only way to protect people from this while keeping freedom of information exchange is to not have media be illegal anymore, just actions should be illegal IMO.

  7. #17
    Timbuk4's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(

    Well, I am new here. I did some research from what I could understand from Cybertipline, FBI, and few others.

    If you accidentally downloaded a file which turned to be a child pornography or illegal obscure materials. You immediately report it to the law enforcements and the Cybertipline (National Center for Missing and Explioted Children) about that instance. Be honest with them.

    What I am saying is that reporting the child pornography immediately after you unintentionally discover the child pornography is definitely right thing to do. Ignoring the child porn is not what you should do, everyone have legal responsibilities to report them immediately regardless of their personal bias. If it should occur to you, you don't have to worry about getting in trouble because you REPORTED to the authorities.

    There are several instance of people who immediately reported child porn to the law enforcement and Cybertipline after they accidentally recieved or dwonloaded child porn materials. They don't get in trouble because they reported as required by the laws.

    I am not sure if anyone here would agree with me but it is still right thing to report them anyways.

    The Cybertipline recommended the same thing.

    However, the ECPAT-USA's faq say differently.

  8. #18

    Child Porn :(

    The cops just got two more lol
    I heard just now that the cops picked up two more sick freaks today and that they should get another 80 in the next two weeks.
    *feels a little like doing a happy dance lol*
    But the radio also said that they raided around 20 homes.
    hmmm 2 out of 20.....
    Sounds like they are on the run and so they should be lol
    I hope the cops get every last 1.

  9. #19
    Tom's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(

    Hi Sumpchild. You are not alone in being utterly digusted by Child Porn, and without going into a tirade against the *******s who pedal and create the stuff, these are the facts concerning Limewire.

    Limewire connects users overe the Gnutella p2p network. Users can offer for download by others anything they like. Music pictures videos and so on . Limewire has absolutely no control over what is offered, and if they had they would have gone the way of the original Napster and Grockster. The fact that Limewire operates differently from them is one reason that Limewire, fortunately still exists.

    Users can do something about Child Porn and calling the FBI is not a bad idea. The ip numbers of the child porn peddlars are shown along with their shared files and these can be tracked. If you chose search above right and search for "kiddie porn" or "child porn" You will find more information on exactly who it is best to report such cases to.

    As I have said, this is not something Limewire can do anything about, due to the way it operates, but in this forum, as far as many of us are concerned the more that we can do to put child Porn merchants behind bars, the better.

  10. #20
    805's Avatar
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    Child Porn :(

    Please I need help... It seems my 14 year old cousin went into a site that was of child porn or something and I did not know. The computer is registered in my name and the site had this message of [email protected]. I am getting married in April. I don't know what to do, please if someone can help me out here. I am very desperate. I don't know what to do... I sent them a message and told them they can even come to the house or call or email or whatever but, what if I am the one to get in trouble for someone else. I don't know what to do.



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