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  1. #11
    Sorry, you lost me at Twitter.

  2. #12
    Chosen1's Avatar
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    They know nothing of the Whiskey Rebellion.
    They know nothing of the coverup of massacres during veitnam.

    They know absolutely nothing and absolutely everything!!

    I am getting so sick and tired of listening to the stupidity of the neocon minority.

  3. #13
    Yup---I'm a Republican and my dad is actually Iranian, so I know a lot about the history of Iran.

    In my dad's words, "less government means more freedom and democracy."

    My dad was born in the 1950s and left the country before the Islamic Revolution, so he lived through the Shah's years.

    And BELIEVE ME, he told me that the Shah was a MODERATE (especially by Middle Eastern standards. Yes, there were political prisoners in prison like Communists...but do you think that fundamentalist mullahs are better?

    During the Shah's years, at least women had more rights and Iran didn't have the barbaric public hangings that are allowed today by the so-called "divinely inspired" Ayatollah!

    Also, when Obama APOLOGIZED for overthrowing Mossadegh/Operation Ajax, my dad said it was STUPID. Mossadegh was socialistic.

    And the above poster was right---President Carter really f-ed up a lot. He's the worst president because of his foreign policy. The rise of radical Islam in the Middle East can be attributed to Carter's failures and myopic vision (Carter's people referred to Ayatollah Khomeini as a "GANDHI-LIKE FIGURE"....WTF.)

  4. #14
    marina his source is the CIAs operation ajax. try reading about it

  5. #15
    50/50 split was BS! We got Iraq for our two to their one, 66 2/3 to 33 1/3 split.
    Still got over 9 billion barrels under the sand today with 6 billion with our name on them. That's why WE CAN'T LEAVE IRAQ TODAY. This is today's reality, Oil is the Gold of the world today! Gotta have it, and can't let some two bit despot steal what is ours.

  6. #16
    Derek's Avatar
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    Republicans don't want government intervention in their lives, but they want it in everyone else's lives.

  7. #17
    ComeOnNow_10101's Avatar
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    What intervention are we Repubs calliing for exactly? For the most part I just hear them saying that Sheik Al' Obama should basically give a firm opinion on democracy, they aren't saying we should attack and take over the election.

    But as we have witnessed from his apology '09 tour O doesn't have a backbone to stand firm behind anything except blaming America for the worlds woes.

  8. #18
    mckenziecalhoun's Avatar
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    You left out something. Folks, do educate yourself. This was a leader who was supporting Germany during WWII. DO the research.

    "Reza Shah's son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, came to power during World War II, when British and Indian forces from Iraq and Soviet forces from the north occupied Iran in August 1941. Iran was a vital oil-supply source and link in the Allied supply line for lend-lease supplies to the Soviet Union, and the allies were concerned over the then-Shah's tacit pro-German sympathies. The next month the British forced Reza to abdicate in favour of his pro-British son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who ruled until 1979."

    Educate yourselves, folks. On all sides of the issue.

    The link is below

  9. #19
    You forgot to mention that this coo was planned when Harry S Truman was the president. Last time I checked he was a Democrat.

  10. #20
    Except that you're leaving out the whole Carter chapter, which fvcked it up to the point where any possible repair attempts were futile.



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