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  1. #11

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    I'm guessing that whoever is in charge of the show is probably paying 4Kids to air it, since it's over two years old now and they're airing it in an early morning spot from the get-go.

  2. #12

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    The SWAT Kats' agent wanted a better deal?

  3. #13

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    Urgh, Biker Mice from Mars is an abomination. One of the worst cartoon series of recent years that I've seen. Down there with Loonatics Unleashed easily.

  4. #14

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    Di-Gata Defenders sounds interesting, so I may check it out. Thank goodness 4Kids and CW4Kids air on different days here.

  5. #15

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    From what I'm seeing here, I guess that Biker Mice From Mars isn't that good of a show. I don't know what its about since I've never seen it, but I'm probably not going to check it out. I am looking foreword to seeing Di-Gata Defenders this fall. I didn't see much of the first five episodes when 4Kids aired it before, so I'll check some more out. From what I did see, it looked like an interesting show.

  6. #16

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    The BMFM 1993 verison was a good cartoon, I saw the 2006 verison on youtube. I wonder how could anyone think it was a bad cartoon.

  7. #17

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    I went into some detail here.

  8. #18

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    Yeah that's good news! Di-Gata woot! Hopefully they'll start things off without going into rerun mode after two episodes or something stupid like last time...and not cut down the show from widescreen and cut bits for time ><

    If you go past the early mediocre episodes and don't bother yourself too much with that 'game' aspect (which is in the end fairly minor in the grand scheme of thing) you'll find that Di-Gata has a pretty interesting universe.

    I think its the first time I get mentionned by name whitout posting in a thread first! Sweet!

  9. #19

    "Biker Mice From Mars (2006)" & "Di-Gata Defenders" on 4Kids TV starting August 9th

    I never got to see Di-Gata the first time, so maybe I can catch it this time around.

    The new Biker Mice show looks crappy. Granted, I haven't seen much besides the various clips here and there, including the preview clip of the first few minutes of the first episode. It looks really terrible. It's kinda funny though because reading Monkey Funk's review, the old Biker Mice cartoon was guilty of many of the same offenses (like the bad puns, funny-accented villains, what I call "instant Spanglish" where you just add an "o" or "io" or some funky sound to a word that doesn't normally have it). But I really liked the old Biker Mice. I don't know if it was because I was still a kid and nostalgia makes everything better, or if it was just a better show. The old designs of the mice and the bikes were a lot better in my opinion than the skinny, emaciated mice and the brightly-colored CGI messes their bikes became. And even after all these years, the same VAs voice the mice (which is probably the only reason I think I'll be watching).

    Not a good sign: I saw a commercial for the new Biker Mice during Sonic X this morning. They introduced the mice by name, but they introduced Throttle as Vinnie and Vinnie as Throttle. lol



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