Since I couldn't change my thread suggest replacement for LG 510TM , I am starting this new one. If a moderator could kindly close the other one, that would be great. Thanks.

Like the subject says. I used to have Verizon quite a while ago, but gave them up for their poor service. I then had LG 510TM, Nextel i530 and i560. I think I had another Verizon in there before the Nextels also. What I am looking for is the simplicity and compactness the 510 had with the ruggedness of the 530/560.

I am thinking of going back to Verizon, only through my work this time. I don't need a camera, radio, internet, walkie-talkie, or "texting". What I want is a phone that actually works.

Why are they adding on all these other features, yet the reception never seems to get any better? Why can't they take the space savings they've gained with miniaturization and add some durability or ruggedness, and reception improvements?

Am I asking too much for a reliable, simple, easy to use phone? Maybe a color screen would be a doable concession if I had to have one new feature so I could put a vacation or kid picture on there.

I liked the way the LG-DM110 had a cover for the keys, yet it was not a working (ie breakable) part of the phone.

Any suggestions?

Oh, and I have a Jeep, so a decent speakerphone is desired. That is one thing I don't think the 510 had was an external speaker.

good reception
color screen (OK, but not required)
external view (preferably through window to save space)
calendar (510 had a pretty good one if I remember it right)

please leave out for cost and space savings and for simplicity:
typewriter (text messages)
humongous battery (but need decent car and AC charger)
any other extra doodads