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  1. #11
    rathi's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    I think this may help: Use CleanStart to prevent powerSDHC from loading at startup. I can't test with a WiFi card or any other SDIO card, but it seems to work for SD cards. If you launch CleanStart, uncheck powerSDHC, and reset the Palm, when it reboots it will not read SDHC cards. (I tried with my 8GB and 16GB cards). The TX won't chime when the SDHC card is inserted, and CardInfo will report no card inserted. But the TX will read and write to my 2GB SD card, so presumably powerSDHC is unloaded and instead the default SD driver is up and running normally. To restore powerSDHC, launch CleanStart, check powerSDHC, then reset the Palm. Please let us know if this works, I'm curious now

  2. #12

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    Good suggestions. Sounds like it should work. I'll try it and let you know. THANKS very much.

  3. #13

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    Works as hoped. An elegant solution, with added utility for diagnosing problems. Nice. Thanks.

  4. #14

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    You're welcome. I'm glad (and a bit surprised) it worked.

  5. #15

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    Worked splendidly. Only subsequent problem has been persistent system freezes whenever I attach my E2 to the USB cable. It necessitates a soft reset. It happened dozens of time until I uninstalled CleanStart. That ended the freeze-ups. But, I'm going to give it another try.

  6. #16

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    CleanStart may have been configured incorrectly -- for example, I use DateBk5 on myTX; if I do not have DateBk5 checked, then any alarm it would sound when I have an appointment 'come due' would not be sounded. Am on my TX now so I can't open CleanStart to check what it might be before I post.

  7. #17

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    CleanStart basically lets you choose which programs are loaded during a soft reset. If you uncheck a program, it won't load, thus it won't work "in the background" as Rick points above with DB5 and alarms. So you must make sure you're not unchecking any program that must be loaded. How to know which is which is mostly a trial & error thing. However, there are two important checkboxes on CleanStart: "Always start panels" and "Always start ROM apps". Both of them should be checked at all times, unless you have a good reason not to. Be sure they are checked, then test again. Probably you unchecked one of these boxes and that could be why the Palm is freezing when connecting to the USB cable: a needed driver or program was not loaded during the last reset.

    Also, you can tap on the "All On" button at the bottom of CleanStart, then do a soft reset. This will let the Palm load all the programs, just like it does normally if CleanStart is not installed. If the USB works ok, then try unchecking only powerSDHC (with a soft reset afterwards). Hopefully, the USB connection should work ok.

  8. #18
    yeun's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    Glad I read the rest of the thread before posting, I was about to suggest the same thing Rasp suggested, i.e. CleanStart.

    One thing I will add that may make things easier. Cleanstart has the ability to store and load various startup profiles. Basically, different profiles allow you to easily keep different systems turned on/off based on what you want to do next.

    My suggestion is this. Make 2 profiles, one with SDHC enabled and optimized for the typical tasks you do while you use SDHC. The second with SDHC disabled, and optimized for the tasks you do while your wireless is installed. Once created, it's very easy to have CleanStart switch between one and the other.

    Another bonus, with profiles, you have a button at the top of CleanStart called "Reset once with profile". With that you could, for example, keep your SDHC enabled profile as a sort-of default. Then run CleanStart, select your Wireless profile and choose "Reset once with profile". That reset would allow you to use your wireless as long as you want. (here's the fun part) When you reset again, it will revert to the SDHC enabled default profile automatically!

    Depending on which you use more (SDHC card or wireless) you could reverse the setup so that either one is your default profile.

    have fun


  9. #19

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    Thanks, folks. All good ideas re: CleanStart, but none seem applicable to my experience w system freezes. Following a simple install of CS 1.0 (is there a later version hiding somewhere?), the problem begins. I've unchecked NOTHING, and haven't even USED CS at this point. But, just connecting to a cradle -- with or without an actual USB connection to a PC -- results in an immediate freeze and requires a soft reset. Uninstalling CS immediately solves the problem.

    This is unfortunate, as CS has a lot to commend. It clearly worked for my WiFi/PowerSDHC issue. Great Idea about the Profiles bit. But, for me, with the intractable freeze-ups, it's rather like "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?"

  10. #20

    Palm WiFi Card & PowerSDHC

    That is strange. I've never had this kind of problem with CleanStart. I use it on my TX to prevent most programs from loading at reset (to save dbcache) and for the most part forget about it because it works by itself.

    Regarding version, my CleanStart reads as 0.13, which would make it earlier than your 1.0 What's more, this is the first time I've heard of CS 1.0. Perhaps you'd like to test with my version? If so, drop me a PM with your email and I'll send it to you later today.

    Also, given that CS is so far the only solution to your original problem, you may want to run a radical test: make a full backup of the E2 (preferably to an SD card using NVBackup or other program), then do a hard reset of the E2. Right after the reset install CleanStart. Do not make a hotsync or restore. Just install CS by other means (i.e. beam it from the TX or the E71, or copy to SD card then transfer to E2's main memory). Don't change CS's configuration. Then connect the E2 to the cradle or USB cable. If it still freezes, then there's some incompatibility within CS and your E2 (which would be the first I've heard). If it does not freeze, then the problem lies with some other program, not with CS. If so, you will have to pinpoint the problem by selectively reinstalling or restoring programs, and testing all the way until you find the culprit. Sounds like a hassle (and it really is), but in the end you will find a solution.



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