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  1. #11
    Shawn L.'s Avatar
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    'Torrenting' & Ratio

    Well i have been on all 3 ends of the spectrum.

    Started out as a public tracker, lots of leechers and seeders, for a week, then death to all torrents (well not that bad, but it felt like it).

    Global ratio only, popular stuff lasts for a awhile, not so popular stuff doesnt, lots of members donating then hit and running everything, which in turn means stuff doesnt last that long.

    Our system, in all honesty why it does work i have no idea, its one of those mysteries of the universe i think lol but the simple premise is, you can download anything you like, and not have to worry about getting a hit on your ratio, believe it or not, most members are quite happy with a 1 ratio, they dont care about e-penis ratios, as long as they can use the tracker, they are happy, and as we do give you the 1 ratio on every torrent, members are not scared to download, and then in turn, seed for longer to let others download if they want it.

    I think it works because they are not forced to seed (over SP to Cost), they choose to seed, there is a world of difference.

    Only problem is, donations have went down a lot from gloal ratio to Sp ratio, i dont really care that much though, i still have not made a plea for donations in 7 years of running a tracker, and i wont start now, all i am saying is that is one drawback of doing it our way, but i will never ever go back to global ratio only, pissed me off seeing members donating every month, then hit and running everything they could because they thought they could, just because they donated.

    There is a place for all of us, if you prefer one then use it, if you prefer the other then use it, its entirely up to you, I know BCG`s way is hated by a lot, ut i also know a hell of a lot love it so we can never please everyone.

  2. #12
    khobbs's Avatar
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    'Torrenting' & Ratio

    Quote Originally Posted by stoi View Post
    Our system, in all honesty why it does work i have no idea, its one of those mysteries of the universe i think lol
    Probably because it's a game tracker. Think about it, you never threw out any of your old "physical" games. I'm sure not many people throw out that many digital ones either, for the sake of keeping the collection together. That's why people seed for long. Don't also forget that a lot of torrents on BCG intertwine, for example the TF2 game/online play combination is split up over 4-5 smaller parts, which in turn means 4-5 active torrents instead of 1.

    Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, but it does work. :P

  3. #13
    rea_sushi's Avatar
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    'Torrenting' & Ratio

    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Seedboxes are to a large extent people's response to the incongruities between upload speeds of various countries/IPS.
    Unfortunately with no leadership shown by most trackers it is has become like an escalating arms race where the proponents feel they have ample justification ,there are no real winners and the poorest are the ones who suffer most.

    The sad fact is since for most people seedboxes are a non-sustainable ( and limited) resource so the normal course is over-seed build as big a buffer as possible( which usually requires dumping of files) in the time allowable and" live " of it for as long as possible .
    At least that is the way I see things .

    I wish more sites would show a bit of courage/vision like BCG ,iTS and FSC and reward long-term seeding( something a person can control) as much as speed ( something a person can't).
    Nicely put. "Control" is the key word here.

  4. #14
    mel<3's Avatar
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    'Torrenting' & Ratio

    I'm one of those who enjoys BCG's unique SP system.
    As stoi said, the system does work and old stuff are well seeded and with decent speeds, which is very hard to find anywhere else.
    I download mostly from newsgroups but recently I had the urge to go play again my all time favourite game (or better, its latest remake) and I didn't hesitate download it from there, no matter if I knew I would never reach 1:1. Besides, the full pack with mods etc couldn't be found anywhere else on the webs.
    I kept it seeded for around a month, even though I had reached the SP goal long before, and don't ask me why. It just works.

    (by the way, great skin, finally! Modern and pleasant to browse)

    I still think there are some psychological aspects behind the ratioless sites that make it hard to keep the torrents seeded for long, but I don't have an explanation for those. I know it took me a while to not feel guilty not having achieved 1:1 on any torrent, no matter how hard I tried. Same happens with some friends of mine. It's the seedbox factor, I guess.

  5. #15
    CountryGal08's Avatar
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    'Torrenting' & Ratio

    In the end its about who is seeding, 30 seeders and you cant get more than 50kt/s or 1 seeder with fast connection/sb

  6. #16
    diane72112's Avatar
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    'Torrenting' & Ratio

    Quote Originally Posted by Di@monds View Post
    In the end its about who is seeding, 30 seeders and you cant get more than 50kt/s or 1 seeder with fast connection/sb

  7. #17
    Illir's Avatar
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    'Torrenting' & Ratio

    Hmmm ... I don't know why so many people always complain about the ratio-system.

    It's not that hard to maintain a decent ratio. I've been torrenting for a very long time now, and have been, and still am on a ton of trackers and I still have to see the first tracker where I couldn't maintain my ratio.

    I have never had to use a seedbox to buffer my accounts. I just let things seed for ages with my home connection.

    Off course I only download what I will be using or watching. There's no point in downloading something you know upfront you won't use. Seems rather pointless to me.

    I can understand that there are people with a real shitty home-connection, that can never maintain a decent ratio, no matter how long they keep seeding a torrent, but than I would start using another filesharing method to get my files.

    God knows there's plenty of different ways to get your files that don't have a ratio-system.

    Many people are in favour of trackers without ratio's, but it happens frequently on ratioless trackers that I have downloadspeeds of 0,5-1 KB/s because of people that cap their upload, because that way they can seed for the required timespan, without actually uploading more than 5 MB or so.



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