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  1. #11
    Juanita S's Avatar
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    Oh that's just the saddest news possible, I think I feel a sudden void inside. You know, if it was going down like this, Captain Planet should have made some sort of appearance, but alas he was not to be seen. It also seemed to me like it won't be coming back, when I try the url, I get an OpenDNS search page instead of the other error page.

    Yeah usenet is my goto service, but I really like to contribute and have an HD obsessed community at my fingertips. Well I'd like to find another place to go. If I remember, HDB is a 'do not try to get in here' site, so I don't know if you'd be able to recommend another DOP-like community.

  2. #12
    Edward Elric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ringhunter View Post
    You should see the anti-america/theology debates. Dime a dozen, each one goes on for dozens of pages and is usually a collection of the most eloquent ways one can say "fuck the other guy".
    Easy targets, both figuratively and literally . True wit finds ways to transcend the obvious.

    Btw considering their present policies about wanting to keep the nest of traders/sellers safely tucked away in their site , "you should see" is an unfortunate choice of words.:mellow:

    Also I meant contemptuous in the purest sense of the word since some people aligned with said tracker that I have had the misfortune to come into contact with show varying degrees of contempt towards "lesser" :ermm: formats as well as the people who (still) appreciate them.
    But that's stating the obvious isn't it?

    I'm only mentioning this (again) because there is an elemental difference between appreciating something and denouncing everything else.

  3. #13
    -kaulitz's Avatar
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  4. #14
    shaman sun's Avatar
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    First I want to say that I had no problem finishing your post however long it might be as I'd rather put in the effort to read something well thought out with clear points made and substantiated ,even if I don't happen to agree with them , than all the short vacuous posts in the world.

    That said Art( the capital T kind at least ) I suppose in a very general sense "entertains " as in entertains the senses ( yes that is a strange sentence) but that is hardly it's chief goal.
    Art ( the capital T kind) enlightens and elevates .It give voice to truths otherwise often too fundamental or alternately complex for words . It never romanticizes but always dignifies.
    That whether you find it in pristine blu-ray, faded old canvas ,scratched vinyl or even a perfect run down a half-pipe that is how it is and how it will always remain.

    On the other hand the fact that artifacts bother you is understandable though .The fact that you think it somehow lessens Art is not.

    Btw it bothers me as well the stupid numerical comments that people make as if they supposedly mean anything.

    Anyway you've made your point and as much as I've said that I don't agree with it I respect it enough not to bother you again about it.

    The youtube quote though ..... it's like an impassioned conversation between two accountants.I'm sure that they find it fascinating but no one else does.For my money at least ,not being an account ...I mean technophile Bill Hicks it ain't.
    Hey but what the hell do I know? I have never ,ever concerned myself about encodes or bitrates and on the rare occasion that I watch youtube I browse old David Bowie and parkour videos or look for hot women in various states of undress .:mellow:

    Btw sorry about the stupid laughing smiley to open the post.I didn't put it there and as it's somehow strangely showing outside the general text in the edit screen I can't remove it.inch:

  5. #15
    P.Doff's Avatar
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    Yeah in case the reference may have been lost, since I left it out somewhere, I was parodying the iPhone4 vs HTC Evo bears. I don't care about either phone, but the ifanboy mentality is something of a commercialized thought.

  6. #16
    Ask me..'s Avatar
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    Well, if you're looking for a tracker constituting both quality content and an incredibly satirical community (especially on controversial topics) then I think the only place that is similar is the "do not try to get in here" site that you know of.

    If you're looking for the quality material, CHDBits and HDChina are both great resources. I'd personally pick the former, simply because of their great encodes. Don't bother with other HD sites; I've given all their groups a try, and it's sad to say but they are pathetic. Unfortunately, both the aforementioned trackers are non-English.

    If anyone wants to chime in with their opinion, you're welcome to do so. I'm not a member of many HD trackers (one at the moment) so I have no idea what's considered a "good" place (I've heard multiple name-drops for HD-Torrents and AwesomeHD) and what's not. I just know what's quality and what's not.

  7. #17
    WarDubO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ringhunter View Post
    Well, if you're looking for a tracker constituting both quality content and an incredibly satirical community (especially on controversial topics) then I think the only place that is similar is the "do not try to get in here" site that you know of.
    By satirical did you mean full of contempt ?

  8. #18
    Johnny P's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    some people aligned with said tracker that I have had the misfortune to come into contact with show varying degrees of contempt towards "lesser" :ermm: formats as well as the people who (still) appreciate them.
    I have on one or two occasions removed certain people from my life based on the fact that they only download xvids. I had other suspicions about said people, but that final note sealed it. It's not exactly the same thing you're talking about, but rather the irritation I feel around people that refuse to learn about something new. I don't have contempt for people that have a knowledgeable appreciation for xvid, but quite frankly most people couldn't tell you exactly what it is, yet it's still the most prevalent format out there... and that is something I can contemptify. Things seem to have moved forward in the anime community though.

  9. #19
    Sally's Avatar
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    Quality of the print/encode (except cams) has got nothing to do with appreciating the movie,it does when people "see" the movie not for what it is and intended for but when "seen" for how well the encode is done and to get a satisfaction from knowing that you have the best print/encode.When the movie finishes if the first thoughts that come to your mind is "What an awesome encode" instead of "What an awesome movie" then surely you are not a "cinephile" but a "videophile" as you mentioned.

    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky
    I started to describe in more detail about xvid/divx/avi/h.264/x264, and it literally ended with him telling me to shut up because xvid is better than whatever shit I'm talking about because he's seen xvid.
    Tthats because he enjoys the movie instead of enjoying the encode

  10. #20
    Audrey R's Avatar
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    No I'm not a cinephile, I think most of the movies are just utter crap. Is anyone really saying that a poor encode makes a poor movie? Why am I seeing responses formulated this way? It's a bit of misdirection.
    I don't like seeing artifacts while watching vids, which become quite obvious and obnoxious even on a big screen. When the encode is done right, you don't think about quality, but if it's done poorly, now you have a reason to think about quality. Let's make it analogous with audio, let's say you have this buzzing sound on an audio track, you can hear everything but that damn sound is just starting to irritate you, well the lower quality encoded videos distract me in the same manner when you say major blocking, weird discolorations, fuzzy edges and general blurriness, among other things.

    Tthats because he enjoys the movie instead of enjoying the encode
    Your statement doesn't fit, this kid was attempting to assert XVID superiority based on the mere fact that he recognizes the name and has watched them. He was in fact trying to make a statement about encoding, without knowing what a codec was. So when I tried to explain how all this stuff works, the potential increase in information set off a warning in his brain and he panics and denounces all codecs based on name recognition alone, this d-bag to which I refer is an advertiser's wet dream.



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