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  1. #11

    Canada = 51st state?

    Mc dee's and probably drug-related homicides. What country wouldn't want that? LOL

    Canada will stay on it's own, unless we want their oil *evil grin*. j/k

  2. #12
    JeeVee's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    Sure I do. If they don't add up, then ask the sources.

    www.census.gov (Education stats for US, population for US)
    www.statcan.ca (Education and Financials for Canada)
    http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ (US Debt)
    http://www.ndir.com/SI/education/debt.shtml (Canada Debt)
    http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ (Unemployment, inflation, GDP)

    Have at it!

  3. #13
    mnp's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    When they disobey laws and posted trespassing signs, how are they not posing a threat to you? 200-300 illegals could easily take over a family of 8, no problem. So what do we do? Just tell the guy to suck it up and fix his fence everyday because he isn't allowed to do anything?

    This is not just a case of minor trespassing, this is criminal trespassing. Fences surrounding his house are being torn down and torn apart, and people are basically "breaking into" his land. If this continues, he should have the right to keep people off his land. Do you think an electric fence is excessive? One that shocks the hell out of anyone who touches it?

  4. #14
    KailaW's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    So you admit you are a dog...mmm. at least I should give you high marks for honesty !

    Whats this obsession you have about pimples ?

  5. #15
    issa's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    When a country is under attack from sucide bombs going off in its civilian centres, it has a right to protect itself. Self defense is the right of every nation. So unless the UN can give an guarrantee to Israel that the UN will protect Israel from sucide bombs .......it is a moot point.

  6. #16
    hεαthεr's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    In effect you do though now dont you?

    You pay for your own insurance and your tax dollars are used to pay for people who cant afford medical insurance. Ie medicare. Unless I am mistake no one is turned away from the emergency room in the states?

    I also understand that medical insurance in the states is a driving factor in the loss of manufacturing jobs as these positions generally provide medical insurance, the costs of which are rising at a rate (as I recall) around 8-12 %.

  7. #17
    biwestvirginagirl's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    Are you serious? What do we tell the elderly when the hospital closes down the long term health care because they have too many illegals coming in? Tell the people with alzheimer's to drive 75 miles to the nearest hospital? You should be ashamed for saying that. You are basically telling the guy who runs the hospital that you could care less what happens to his patients!! These illegals are forcing him to pay $500k a year for their care, which he is never reimbursed for. Why should he even offer care to them in the first place? They are not US citizens. Hopefully he decides not to offer care to them because people like you will do nothing for him, while he suffers for helping them out.

  8. #18
    Roy Valin's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    You have made abolutely no point. Why are you showing me stuff from Ontario and Ottawa? I said the US and Canada, not states or provinces. Do you want me to give you some incomes from Massachusetts? You also failed to convert the Canadian mean income to US$, which was pretty stupid of you. Go to the www.statcan.ca website, and you will find the average income for economic families (2 or more) for 2003 was C$73,200, which in US$ is around $55,000. Compare this with the US$ mean income for the US, which according to you is $67,000. If the average Canadian salary was US$73,200, that would mean they were bringing in about C$100,000 a year, which is a bit too high.

    Also, please take a look at my above post showing the GDP numbers, which are not bogus at all, nor have they been touched. Go to the CIA World Fact Book and it will show you the exact same GDP, GDP per capita, GDP real growth %, inflation rate, and unemployment %. Believe it or not, but it's true.

  9. #19
    Clikc_speed's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    I was reading an article online from the LA Times that had some interesting facts about illegal Mexican immigrants. 40 % of Mexicans make $2 a day in Mexico, but can make 20 times that here in the US. Each year, Mexican immigrants send back half of their earnings to their families in Mexico, which causes our economy to take a huge hit. As these people remain in our country illegally, many health care facilities are responsible for offering them medical aid. In LA County, 32% of its medical patients are illegal Mexicans. Millions of US dollars are spent each year to take care of people who aren't even supposed to be here in the first place. According to the LA Times, an immigrant with less an a highschool education, costs the economy approx. $13,000 in his/her lifetime. There are 1.1 million illegal mexicans in LA County alone.
    Also, 17 % of prisoners in the US are illegal aliens, even though they make up only 3 % of the total population. All of these extra criminals in the US strain the government budget even further, not to mention the added stress placed on the police force and the legal system.
    And do people ever think about the fact that these people who come into the country are also having kiRAB here? The kiRAB are then automatically considered citizens, which in turn gives the parents the ability to receive the benefits that come with citizenship, which again strains the federal budget. All of this for people who shouldn't even be here?

  10. #20
    falling's Avatar
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    Canada = 51st state?

    However, they would not even allow him to apply.

    And how is this justification for us being complete schmucks to people doing things legally?

    I am not asking for punishment of anything. You are the one all wrapped up in punishing people. I am condemning YOU, for your one-sided vision. The vision that only allows you to care about injustice in our borders. It should disgust anyone who resembles a human that these factories do this.

    And I do not know how many times I can repeat that Mexico and third world countries do not have the resources to fight our corporations. You see corporate america is also hugely powerful in government. Mexico takes a swipe at, Kodak or something, somebody in Washington will bring pressure to bear. You might as well tell a 90 pund woman to take care of fighting off her 250 lb rapist (without weapons).


    It is if US companies are breaking laws (and they do). How about holding your fellow countryman accountable to a little humanity - law or no.

    Actually there are masses of people who consider human being the most important thing on the planet - regardless of little lines on a map.


    Where have I advocated that I support illegals coming here? I could have sworn that I have said several times that they should come here legally and that it is perfectly acceptable to expect that. I am simply stating that America should operate in decent way with those who are trying to come here legally, and we should also act within Mexican law when in Mexico's border and that it is equally reprehensible that we don't. It should make at least as outraged that your fellow countrymen behave that way there as it does when Mexicans break the laws here. I think it should make you MORE outraged. I think you should be down-right ashamed. I am.

    Well - buy yourself a little me, myself and myland and you won't have to care about anyone else BUT you. You know maybe with the right equipment you could go live on Mars, nobody else to worry about there.

    No we don't. And the fact that they do that isn't good. But we take advantage of and perpetuate their sagging economy for in the name of profits and that is not good either.

    We aren't angels.

    America and Americans sometimes does sucky things. Get that flag off your eyes.

    Location may have played a part there. My friend lives in Toronto.

    Listen, I cpuld have a huge argument about how it is better for the nation as a whole to keep it healthy, but in the end you will not see past your own wallet. But have no fear - I don't think your Canadian so you have nothing to worry about. None of the Canadians I know are complaining (and I know a ton) - so just let it be.

    HEY - that makes two of us. Once my son is in college I plan to move to Toronto. Mostly because I feel very comfortable there. Great city.

    Blah blah blah. Nothing puts me to sleep like money talk. The **** is necesary but so over-rated. Anyway - I am not saying they pay enough to warrant services - I simply that they do pay some taxes.

    And your property is not more valuable than a person. Maybe collectively our two nations can find a constructive way to resolve this. But, nah, I suspect too many companies in and out of Mexico like the cheap wages to really do anything about it.

    Oye, mi hijo es un Mexicano. Nombres feos como "mujado' no son necesario. No piensas - GRINGO? (Yo soy una tambien.)

    I don't think much will really change. It is more profitable this way. However, I think it's sad that injustice only bothers you when it happens here or is carried out by a non-American.



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