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  1. #11
    justagrandma's Avatar
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    Stupid is a word I'd use to describe the frenzy of interesting in Obama's slight acquaintanceship with people and the scrutiny it got when it was actually news, as in not an old story. Old stories don't get news, and Pains emails are, or were only news because she took so long to release them, not because they were either interesting or revelatory. After all Alaska has a ten day release period for government emails so they should have been release a long time ago.
    But at the time, the mainstream media was full to overflowing with Ayers and Wright and whatever other little ghosties they could think of.
    Palins emails as a story has died out, is that why you are posting about it, gotta get her name out there one more time?

  2. #12
    HawkEye's Avatar
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    The answer depends..... is the highest rated cable news network (AKA Fox News) mainstream to you fools yet??

  3. #13
    What you call "scrutiny" from the media and what I, a former journalist and editor, mean by the term are quite likely two different things entirely. Reporters have, by and large, become sensationalistic and lazy, skimming the surfaces of potential stories like someone lightly skipping pebbles across the surface of a pond. Only a few actually delve deeply into the entire subject being covered, and only a tiny few are unswayed by ad-buy dollars of their CORPORATE-greed-driven stations. News coverage these days is all about those dadburn...R A T I N G S...and rarely do we viewers or listeners encounter true SUBSTANCE.

    Exceptions would be PBS's "News Hour," "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC (she's proving herself to be pretty good at investigative reporting and she tries to be both honest and fair), C-SPAN1 and C-SPAN2 (uninterrupted coverage of House and Senate sessions, respectively), and a few peripheral news reports scattered here and there over time. Most have become like the forest ranger who deliberately sets fires so he or she can be the one to appear "heroic" doing battle with the flames.

    Ayers and Wright were never legitimate issues and were propaganda-driven to score hoped-for negative political "power" points or play "king of the Hill" mind-games with the voting public by the right-wing zealots horrified that a man of color was chosen to lead this nation to safety. The Palin e-mails had been requested in the hopes of stirring up a hornet's nest of "hidden" controversies, but proved to be LAME and almost BORING once everything was reviewed. Palin's TARGETS for Democrats should have been thoroughly investigated---reporters should have been asking WHY would an American woman, supposedly a public servant as governor, advocate GUN VIOLENCE against other American citizens who were also public servants and then POST this advocacy on a PUBLIC FORUM? If these questions had been asked at the time the offensive behavior occurred, perhaps Gabby Giffords and the other people shot would have been safe.

  4. #14
    Barry's Change's Avatar
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    We still don't know who obama is so i would guess Palin's email.



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