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  1. #21
    Phillip R
    Phillip R's Avatar

    This is indeed a sad day ?

    Well; why should the tax payer foot the bill in such an economy in the condition it is in, in the very first place for? Why should gays be paying for your abortions ? Why should anyone, for that matter be paying for the choices of others, who decide to have sex, and want to give the bill to others to pay ? I believe, that those days of throwing $ at people's problems by the gov't are over and people will have to tolerate the consequences of their decisions. Why would anyone ever, expect others to pay their way through life for them ?

  2. #22
    darshan jc
    darshan jc's Avatar

    This is indeed a sad day ?

    I am not sad. Nope. Thanks for asking.I hope you feel better soon.Peace and God bless you!

  3. #23
    darrylcraftwork's Avatar

    This is indeed a sad day ?

    What you don't seem to understand is that abortion is legal, and has been legal throughout Bush's term. So what the gag rule did was to deny funding to any relief organization that provided or even so much as talked about a legal medical procedure, even if the actual funding for the counseling or procedure came from other sources. In short it made an end-run around the law, and in doing so drove the principle of freedom of speech into the mud. How would you like it if your local government decided not to spend any money on street repair or sewer maintenance around your house unless you agreed not to say things it didn't like? The time of government acting like a second-class thug is over!

  4. #24
    darrylcraftwork's Avatar

    This is indeed a sad day ?

    Sorry, but the sad day, the saddest day was January 2000 when Bush took oath and raped this country and its people of just about everything they had. Under no other President, has this country crumbled like it has. Obama, as one of the answers above said is providing safe health care to third world countries. The millions of orphans, who have no parents, because they died of AIDS is something I suppose you're proud of, because their mother didn't have an abortion. The millions of malnourished children in third world countries with bellies so big, they looked deformed, is a much better life for them I take it?You're sick and misguided with your thought process, as are all those that think like you. Praise God for Barack Obama, who has a mind, thinks rationally and cares about the world.Bush will meet his creator one day, hopefully sooner than later and I don't think God's judgment is going to be something he's very happy with.

  5. #25
    masterinstall3's Avatar

    This is indeed a sad day ?

    Obama is doing what in his heart he feels is right... so we need to pray for him to have a change of heart. He's trying to make an amazing entry into the president's seat, showing all the people that voted for him that he's going to do exactly what he said he would. So... to ask if it's a sad day, to most Americans (based on the polls), it's not. Many hearts are too hard, to see the beauty of life at conception. I personally love to cling to Psalm 139:13-16 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.Not only does it make me feel wonderful about my creator and how much he loves me, but it also gives me a peace that every child that is aborted, is known by God, and will be in his loving arms. And to the women that have the abortions, may God bless show them through this act that messes with their minds (because it ultimately does), that He loves them so much, and brings them to Christ. Please consider that your arguments here will fall on deaf ears, and as hard as it might be, try to love the people on here that don't realize abortion is wrong, and pray for them also. Thank you though, for caring about unborn children... use that passion to fuel your prayers :-)Edit to add: Do most of you believe that women in third world countries are going to let someone perform an abortion on them? That they even desire abortions? People, please do a little more research before using this in your arguments.



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