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  1. #21

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    Pharmonc... Here's the address to P1's Corp Headquarters:

    palmOne, Inc. Corporate Headquarters
    400 N. McCarthy Blvd.
    Milpitas, CA 95035
    1 (408) 503-7000 Main Phone
    1 (408) 503-2750 Main Fax

    You can also find more P1 Contact Info at:


    As I mentioned in a previous message, I sent P1 a nastygram (registered/return receipt) and they received it. I have not heard back from them (I asked for a call back to resolve my issue), and I really don't expect to.

    In any event, very best of luck. I truly hope you fare better than I have.

  2. #22

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    I understand the problems everyone is having with digitizer drift on Tungsten models. I have a Tungsten T and now a T3. The T|T was having problems every time I turned it on. It meant re-calibrating the screen and I defaulted one of my programmable keys to Prefs so I could access the screen quickly.

    I then saw a thread (think it was on rabroad) that explained if you "disassemble" the T, including disconnecting the cable to the "motherboard" and the battey, then re-assemble the whole thing the new "improved" connections solved the problems. There was a link http://tinyurl.com/p13t - which showed how to do the disassembly.

    Well, since I had a T|T with the problem, and it was out of warranty, I followed the instructions. This was about 2 months ago. I haven't had to re-digitize my T since!

    Since the instructions are for the T|T, T|2 and T|3, you may want to try this.


  3. #23

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!


    Much thanks... I was actually aware of that site, but I chose not to try it since my T3 was still under warranty. It's a sad state of affairs that, apparently with P1, the warranty doesn't appear to mean anything. In any event, if my current T3 ever begins to suffer from the digitzer drift, I'll likely try the "take it apart and then re-assemble" tactic. It's far preferable than the P1 Customer Service Black Hole from Hell.

  4. #24

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    Read your post and fully empathize. My solution has been to buy a Dell Axim X50. As I become familiar with the unit I am slowly replacing my essential software from my T2 with similar PPC software. I could not be happier- I thought the conversion would be tough- it is not and could not be more pleased with functionality. (My plan was to use T2 and X50 roughly in parallel until I was comfortable with PPC- T2 became a game machine at the end of the first biz day.) So, my recommendation is: Dell due to pricing and quality of unit. Good luck- You certainly went through more with PalmOne than I did, but I am done with the Palm world.

  5. #25

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!


    Thank you for recommending the Dell product to me. I appreciate the review by a former Palm user.


  6. #26

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    You're all aware of the T3 hell I went through with PalmOne (P1). Let's recap in brief: My original T3's digitizer started acting up. I eventually sent it in to P1 for repair at my expense. They sent me back a refurbished unit that was not only damaged (dents, scratches, a little screw missing at the back, stained), but it was a 1st or 2nd generation model. After that, and a series of screw ups by P1, I finally received another replacement only to find it, too, was scratched and was a 1st or 2nd generation model. Oh, and of course, during all of the above, the hell of simply calling P1's customer service was a lesson in futility.

    Anyway, I decided to keep the last T3 they sent me only because I didn't want to go through hell again. I sent the damaged one back and later confirmed they received it. During this time, I sent 'em a nasty gram via snail-mail basically stating, to paraphrase, "you suck," but in a very polite and professional way. In the end, I simply asked that someone from P1 call me to discuss my dissatisfaction believing I would never hear from them.

    This morning I received an email from P1. Another replacement T3's on its way to me. Apparently talking to their customers is forbidden. Oh well, maybe they believe the 3rd times a charm? For those who're interested, stay tuned...

  7. #27

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    Earlier I posted how my T3 with Digitizer problems was replaced using the rapid exchange option. Except for a 5 day delay by the carrier picking up the package, everything went pretty smooth.

    Well that was September. Here we are in November and yesterday I woke to my T3 being dead. I was reading from it the night before, battery was fine. Woke, placed it in its cradle to hotsync and NOTHING. No beep, no power, buttons wouldn't work as well as the reset button was ineffective.

    I let it charge all day without any success.

    Called PalmOne support, got through quickly, told him my problem and he asked me to try a hard reset again. When that failed he started the replacement process. I opted for the Advance Replacement and he explained the charges and process involved. Gave me my Replacement order number and asked if there was any more he could do for me.

    So now I wait to see how well this one goes.

  8. #28

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    Well, I'm a bit astounded. Today I received a call from a P1 service care representative with regard to my snail-mail nasty gram. She apologized profusely and said the information contained in the letter would be "logged" into their system and used to "improve their services." In addition, she said another T3 was on its way to me and hoped it would provide me with a measure of resolution (this is the T3 I mentioned in my last thread).

    Anyway, we discussed the matter for a good 20-minutes or so, and she expressed her concern over their customer care quality, and admitted their services needed to improve. She also understood that newer model T3 have brighter screens; however, if a refurbed T3 meets their specifications, it will be used as a replacement for a malfunctioning or damaged unit. She hoped I would accept the T3 on its way, but gave me a direct number to call if its not what I want.

    Lastly, again, she apologized for all the calls I made, the damaged T3's I received, etc., and said, "We're trying to improve. The letter you sent should help."

    Whether she was blowing smoke at me or not, I have to give credit to P1 for making the call. My letter was a nastygram in every sense of the word and, as I've said in the past, I didn't expect a call back (or another T3).

    Bottom line: It should never have come to this, but I gotta give 'em a tad of credit. They tried to come through in the end (after a lot of time and energy on my part), but it's probably a matter of too little too late. My T3 will be the last P1 product I'll buy unless they *VASTLY* improve their services.

    For those of you still dealing with P1, it looks like persistence is the key to satsifaction.



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