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  1. #21
    cliffy spuffy dreamer
    cliffy spuffy dreamer's Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    I want to see this movie so bad

  2. #22
    -res cogitans-
    -res cogitans-'s Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    ^Ben was great as was Chris Marquette but Anton was really good!

    Justin wasnt bad either

    I felt that Shawn Hatosy was under utilised

    Emile for me was a bit unbelievable as a tough guy but he was still good

  3. #23
    Ron_Cullen's Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    Here is my review, warning I do have spoilers in it for those who have not see in it so I'll put it in spoiler formatt:

    [sp]Okay first off, what kind of people take infants to go see a rated R movie? Especially one like Alpha Dogs? It was so annoying, there must have been at least 3 or 4 screaming and crying babies. I get that they probably had no place to drop their kid off but come on!

    I really did enjoy this movie however there were a few things that I didn't like such as these:
    1. The cursing. Man it was like they cursed every other word so that really got annoying.
    2. The sex. (but no matter, I always looked down when those parts were on. Don't need to ruin my virgin eyes.)

    Other than those 2 main things it was an interesting movie.

    Gotta comment on Chris Marquette's performance, man he was awesome! He can play a stoned dude perfectly. Him acting that way made it all the more hilarious. Gotta admit though, didn't think his character would come to be a serious one seeing as how he was the one that had to dig the grave and all.

    Gotta give props to Justin man he was good. At first I didn't think he would do a good job but he sure had me fooled. Guess it's a good thing this guy never went baddie in RL; he's an intense dude. And he had his charms in the film too, I'll give him that.

    Emilie: Wow; man he's hot in this film! Definately played a great character too.

    And of coarse there is Anton; such a sweet and innocent kid but cute too. Oh man, it was so sad when his character was beginning for his life on that cliff. Loved the clips of him at the beginning when he was a little kid; he was adorable!
    Still is too.

    I'm rating this movie at a 7.[/sp]

  4. #24
    Ron_Cullen's Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    These are awesome! By chance do you think you could make any of Christopher Marquette (Keith). I know some people would really love those. If you can, if not it's okay.

  5. #25
    burn this city
    burn this city's Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    I was really surprised that JT was as good of an actor as he was. I mean, usually when I hear of a singer dipping their toes in the acting pool ... I automatically cringe but I was pleasantly surprised with him.

    And this movie as a whole was fantastic, in my opinion. I love Ben Foster, and holy wow .. he was so psycho in this movie, it was amazing. And Zack .. I get chills just thinking about what happens to him. :[ You have this feeling that everything's gonna be okay and then .. bam. No.

  6. #26
    SassySarah's Avatar
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    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    Well, I saw this movie yesterday. I wanted to see it when I first heard about it, mainly because of Emile and Anton (they are both incredibly talented), but I wasn't too sure I was gonna like it. I expected it to be really heavy on drama and with most films that is simply tiring to watch. I have to say, tho, I was pleasently surprised with this movie.

    It had a lot of familiar faces in it, all pretty notable actors. Ben Foster was a bit over-the-top, imo, however that being said, I think he still did a great job. I was even surprised that I liked Justin's acting. It's no Oscar performance by any means, but it was right for this movie. But imo, Anton stole the whole movie. He's the one who had me sniffling at the end. Just heartbreaking.

    So yeah, I do recommend this movie to anyone who likes sad, semi-comedic, and all around ****ed up movies.

  7. #27
    CrunkPunk88's Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    Saw it last night and again today, and it was amazing. So much better the second time around even though I loved it yesterday too. JT surprised me big time w/ his acting chops. Justin, Anton, and Ben owned the movie especially Anton and JT in that one scene. I loved the bond that grew between, but it's that same bond that makes the end so heartbreaking. The first half of the film was so funny and intense at the same time, but the second half was just so gutwrenching. It's like you knew what was going to happen, but you still wished that the outcome would be different. That scene w/o giving everything away was actually was beautifully poetic and tragic at the same time. :cry:

  8. #28
    own worst enemy
    own worst enemy's Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    Going to see this movie tonight with friends. I'll be back to tell you guys what I thought. I'm actually looking forward to see this movie. :glow:

  9. #29
    -res cogitans-
    -res cogitans-'s Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    not a bad film at all...i was entertained

  10. #30
    soldierz_1's Avatar

    Alpha Dog #1: One crime. 3 days. 38 witnesses.

    I'm interested in checking this movie out... Could be good.



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