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  1. #21
    t-top IROC-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    I have on one or two occasions removed certain people from my life based on the fact that they only download xvids.
    Gratz mister :hooray:... this is by far the most anal statement I've read here at FST in quite a while :slap:

  2. #22
    Al Snow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    No I'm not a cinephile, I think most of the movies are just utter crap. Is anyone really saying that a poor encode makes a poor movie? Why am I seeing responses formulated this way? It's a bit of misdirection.
    I don't like seeing artifacts while watching vids, which become quite obvious and obnoxious even on a big screen. When the encode is done right, you don't think about quality, but if it's done poorly, now you have a reason to think about quality. Let's make it analogous with audio, let's say you have this buzzing sound on an audio track, you can hear everything but that damn sound is just starting to irritate you, well the lower quality encoded videos distract me in the same manner when you say major blocking, weird discolorations, fuzzy edges and general blurriness, among other things.
    I would assert that it's more you ( or me) than anything. As example ,nothing is more obtrusive than subtitles and yet if the movie is involving enough after a short while you don't even notice that they are there.Alternately I've had people tell me that they simply won't watch anything subtitled because it "spoils the movie".
    Now don't take this the wrong way ( if in fact there is a right way to take it) but maybe the thing lacking is with you and not the movie or the 'cretins" that are happily putting up with it.

    As I've said though you are entitled to your own opinion which may be every bit as valid if not more so than mine.:idunno:
    I think the whole point is that while some of us are willing to accept that there are different perspectives ,some of us apparently are not.

  3. #23
    ethanlevine180's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ringhunter View Post
    Well, if you're looking for a tracker constituting both quality content and an incredibly satirical community (especially on controversial topics) then I think the only place that is similar is the "do not try to get in here" site that you know of.

    If you're looking for the quality material, CHDBits and HDChina are both great resources. I'd personally pick the former, simply because of their great encodes. Don't bother with other HD sites; I've given all their groups a try, and it's sad to say but they are pathetic. Unfortunately, both the aforementioned trackers are non-English.

    If anyone wants to chime in with their opinion, you're welcome to do so. I'm not a member of many HD trackers (one at the moment) so I have no idea what's considered a "good" place (I've heard multiple name-drops for HD-Torrents and AwesomeHD) and what's not. I just know what's quality and what's not.
    What about bit-hdtv, hdcorea, or scenehd? chdbits is my second favorite tracker after hdbits, the language barrier doesn't matter much to me.

  4. #24
    [♥]"Liz's Avatar
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    I'm an ANALytical chemist, go figure

    To put it into perspective, I've removed lots of people from my life, I'm rather intolerant of those who are satisfied with only knowing what they already believe they know. In many cases it was on religious fanaticism from my past, or political fanaticism from my recent past, but there's been a few on technological grounds. I don't even talk to my brother over a computer issue, but there's a lot more baggage in that. Basically I'm oversimplifying the statement, but why should I delve any further than that on a filesharing forum?

  5. #25

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    You should see the anti-america/theology debates. Dime a dozen, each one goes on for dozens of pages and is usually a collection of the most eloquent ways one can say "fuck the other guy".

    Quote Originally Posted by gamesover View Post
    What about bit-hdtv, hdcorea, or scenehd? chdbits is my second favorite tracker after hdbits, the language barrier doesn't matter much to me.
    I was a member at bit-hdtv before the whole password database getting leaked fiasco. From what I hear about it nowadays it lost encoders/staff/members etc. and isn't doing too well. I'm sure members know way more than I, but I'd be warded off given their track record. HDCorea is one of those easy-to-join websites, that also shares/races a lot of content from other places. They host open sign-ups every March, I think, so if you're looking for an "in" you just have to be patient. I've heard it's a fantastic place to join for content etc.

    SceneHD is... well, self-explanatory. I don't sign-up to P2P trackers that make a stand against scene standards just so I can turn around and conform to the exact same releases on two different protocols.

  6. #26
    71cooldude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I would assert that it's more you ( or me) than anything. As example ,nothing is more obtrusive than subtitles and yet if the movie is involving enough after a short while you don't even notice that they are there.Alternately I've had people tell me that they simply won't watch anything subtitled because it "spoils the movie".
    Now don't take this the wrong way ( if in fact there is a right way to take it) but maybe the thing lacking is with you and not the movie or the 'cretins" that are happily putting up with it.

    As I've said though you are entitled to your own opinion which may be every bit as valid if not more so than mine.:idunno:
    I think the whole point is that while some of us are willing to accept that there are different perspectives ,some of us apparently are not.
    I cannot watch something in a dubbed language, for me it has to be in its original language and subtitled if I don't understand the language. The tone, inflection, lip synchronization, etc. doesn't match what you're watching. It almost always feels like the work is a parody, even for animation. Dubbed works just don't utilize the voice talent that is out there for original production. Now that's not to say that I don't find subtitles intrusive, it's that I get an overall better experience for all my senses when the audio is in its original language. I do my best to make the subtitles as clean looking as possible when watching, but I can't say that I just don't notice them after awhile because I'm unfortunately to ADD to get lost in it (I am processing the text and the video separately in my head, but can't quite do it at the same time... i.e. my brain doesn't do multithreading).

    I absorb perspectives, they eventually all become part of Master Control

  7. #27
    manadude2's Avatar
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    So by language barrier, are we saying they don't have active English-based discussions @ CHDBits and HDChina? I don't know if it's enough of a reason to brush up my Chinese beyond "Nǐ hǎo ma" (你好吗) and "c

  8. #28
    afwueil's Avatar
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    Doesn't that one chalk up to the human spirit, though? Owning a color TV and denouncing black and white. Owning an FM tuner and denouncing AM. Owning FLAC rips and denouncing 320kbps mp3's. I honestly think this one falls into the "If you have the best possible of something, and are content, you usually make fun of everything else" range. I won't even attempt at hiding the fact that I laugh at people still using a 3.1 speaker setup. I usually even offer to improve their system just because of the fact that I don't want them stuck in the stone age.

    It's classic improvement vs. retrospection.

    Also, while a majority of the members do enjoy a very specific kind of releases, that may seem unreasonable to you since you're of the stance that the quality of the movie lies in the movie, I know quite a few that still enjoy "normal" releases by IMAGiNE, FLAWL3SS etc. It's a small minority, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    I'm an ANALytical chemist, go figure
    I still want you to make those buffers for me. :love:

  9. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post

    I have on one or two occasions removed certain people from my life based on the fact that they only download xvids. I had other suspicions about said people, but that final note sealed it. It's not exactly the same thing you're talking about, but rather the irritation I feel around people that refuse to learn about something new. I don't have contempt for people that have a knowledgeable appreciation for xvid, but quite frankly most people couldn't tell you exactly what it is, yet it's still the most prevalent format out there... and that is something I can contemptify. Things seem to have moved forward in the anime community though.
    You seem to confuse the concepts of not knowing enough to care and not caring enough to know.:mellow:

    Does viewing in non-HD detract from the enjoyment of a movie ? No more than watching in B&W does .
    Film is an art form not an exercise in technology, therefore good movies will remain that regardless of the format ( as so bad ones will remain bad) a concept often totally lost on certain HD proponents who in their quest to always be on the cutting edge only speak about the whether something is clear enough.
    Technology is transient,art on the other hand is timeless.Therefore you are an idiot.

    As to your infantile final judgments on things and people .
    During his tenure as a professor, Albert Einstein was visited by a student. "The questions on this year's exam are the same as last year's!" the young man exclaimed.
    "Yes," Einstein answered, "but this year all the answers are different."
    Quote Originally Posted by ringhunter View Post
    Doesn't that one chalk up to the human spirit, though? Owning a color TV and denouncing black and white. Owning an FM tuner and denouncing AM. Owning FLAC rips and denouncing 320kbps mp3's. I honestly think this one falls into the "If you have the best possible of something, and are content, you usually make fun of everything else" range. I won't even attempt at hiding the fact that I laugh at people still using a 3.1 speaker setup. I usually even offer to improve their system just because of the fact that I don't want them stuck in the stone age.

    It's classic improvement vs. retrospection.

    Also, while a majority of the members do enjoy a very specific kind of releases, that may seem unreasonable to you since you're of the stance that the quality of the movie lies in the movie, I know quite a few that still enjoy "normal" releases by IMAGiNE, FLAWL3SS etc. It's a small minority, though.
    Another sad attempt by people who really don't care but only pretend to in an effort to be more excepted by a bunch of wanks that if you met them in real life and if you had any sense at all you would turn and run the other way.

    As for your efforts to stay "out of the stone-age" ; newer doesn't always necessarily always equate to better . Sometimes quite the opposite and what you are confusing with "human spirit":dabs: is nothing more than what is termed "our consumer society " and if your life decisions what to be based totally on something that an Ad agency somewhere tells you to do and you deludedly then think are your own thoughts then go for it I say.

    Of course you probably talk into a cell-phone all day to stay "connected " to people as nothing but people pass you by so .....

    And that post is probably long enough to officially kill this thread.

  10. #30
    bluepenguin's Avatar
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    But then, Idol, wouldn't you say that people who enjoy HD content pay the respect due to the art/work put forth by the producer, so as to see it as/is intended? No one can deny that from the first CAM source out, to the final BD source there is a huge quality/audio/experiential difference, and surely enough it's a fair point to say people want to appreciate the movie as the director wanted it to be viewed.

    Good art is only good because of the amount of introspection it sparks, the amount of empathy one feels when experience it; because it touches the senses in ways other art/fantasies cannot. However, you still wouldn't buy a Monet if it were made out of cheetos, no matter how much of a perfect replica it is. You aren't paying the due respect to the artistic integrity of the work.



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