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  1. #21
    Ellia's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    Hi guys,

    I am in the final phase of the game and hope to release very soon. The problem? I need couple more beta testers to make sure the game has no serious issues (so far so good) but also I need to figure out which Palm OS 5.0+ device can run the app. So if you are into flight simulation (or simply want to help me found which device can run the game) I would appreciate if you could PM your email and device type and I will send you the game right away.

    I almost there...

    Thank you again for your patience.


  2. #22

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    Thanks SyncRaven,

    Yes it will be shareware. You probably could check it out for 7 days or so and then to register to continue using it. I am trying to take the time to finish it. I am really looking for the day where I can release version 1.0 Some beta testers find some bugs that I am working on right now. It is just very hard to come up with time these days to work on the game but I am hoping that I can release soon...

    Thanks again.


  3. #23

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    Wow, amazing .
    Will it be shareware or what?

  4. #24

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    I'm fine, thanks for asking. Although I am no longer using my TX as my main PDA, I do still use it for games.

  5. #25
    Kagura's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    @fullmetal2: Thanks for asking. I am hoping to release in couple of months (is taking me much more time than I thought. It is a really complex game to develop. Still, if you are willing to help test it (beta) I will love to have you. If interested please PM your email address and i will send you the game and the doc.

    @Hook: Hey thanks! How are you?

    To all: I am still looking for few more beta testers if any of you are interested in test driving a realistic flight combat simulator. Just PM your email address and I will do the rest.

    I am doing what I can with the limited time I have to finish up. Almost there...Thanks to all for your patience.


  6. #26

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    Welcome to rabroad, fullmetal2.

    You can't. It hasn't been released yet and is currently in private beta. However, keep watching this thread for news.

  7. #27

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    where i can download this game .?

  8. #28

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    thanks for the update; still anxiously waiting

  9. #29

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    Hi again.

    Also here a description of the sub-systems failure model...

    As in the real jet, any of your multiple systems can fail at anytime! ViperOne simulate a number of possible failures. Each failure has its own probability of happening during a flight. For instance a “fuel leak” failure would have tendency to happen much more often than let say a total loss of ailerons controls. The failure rate also depend on your game level setting (easy, normal or hard)

    The effect on your mission will depend on the type of failure and its duration. Some failures will last only few seconds but other can linger long enough to force to either eject or scrap the mission and return to base. Once you return to base and land (or come 10 NM from it if you checked the “skip landing” box) the ground crew would “fix” your jet and refill it so you can go back and finish your mission.

    Here the list of the possible failures (more maybe added it later):

    - FUL: fuel leak. The fuel will be spent at much higher rate. Reduce your engine throotle until the fuel leak stops. If it last too long, I will suggest your turn around and get it fix at your air-base.

    - ENG: The engine has quit! This is a show stopper if you are in the middle of a mission. If the fault last too long then your only action is to return to base and either come 10 NM from the base (if you check the box "skip landing" in the options window) or attempt landing as it's call "flame-out" landing (ie: dead engine) Of course you DID train on this right? If not, you better come back to the training mission called "flame-out landing"!!!

    - A/B: You lost your ability to use your after burner. Can be critical if you are running away from a SAM missile!

    - BRK: This is one is bad only during landing when you need to slow your jet a lot. You can pitch up your jet to compensate (so you can slow further) Still it is much better to land with the air-brakes open so you have much better control of your descent. This fault won't stop you from continuing your mission.

    - HUD: Loss of most critical info on the Heads-Up Display like speed, alt and so on. It could be very bad if you are in the process of landing or you if are already low. At least you will not lose the artificial horizon display (your attitude) In the real jet, a loss of HUD is not super critical since they still have the analog instruments to land if need be. Of course doing a bombing run without HUD is almost impossible.

    - TWS: You no longer can see where SAM missiles are coming from! The only good news is that closest missile distance is still display in red on the right of the cockpit. You will still be alerted if any new missiles are sent your way by the enemy. But it won't know where they comes from.

    - RAD: Now your lost your radar. You won't know where the enemy is. The HUD (if you did not lose it also!) will still display the distance to targets as well as the approximate time to reach them at your current speed.

    - FCS: The Flight Control System has mostly quit. The jet will be hard to control. Hopefully this is extremely rare and may not last long. If it does then "eject" is the only action to take.

    - AIL, ELV,RUD: ailerons, elevator or rudders surfaces are stuck at zero position. This is of course means that you can control the jet attitude any longer (BAD) For instance if the elevator is stuck, you will no long be able to pitch up or down. Hopefully this is also extremely rare and may not last long. Just keep your cool until the fault goes away (if you lucky!)

    - WPS: Weapon System failure. You are no longer able to drop bombs! The blue bomb fall line will go away. If the failure last too long, there is no choice but fly back home to fix the problem.

    You can also finally encounter a "FALSE ALERT", just check your SYS display and see that none of the warning lights are flashing red. If this the case then it is only a false alert. Disregard!

    IMPORTANT: The fact now that any of your jet sub-system can fail at any time, it is CRITICAL for you to always keep situation awareness while fying. This means that you need to keep track in your mind about the last general locations of targets, SAM's, altitude, speed, heading and so on.

  10. #30

    ViperOne: An hyper realistic F-16 combat flight simulator (alpha)

    Hello guys,

    I am sorry for the long radio silence. I am happy to report that I sent my great alpha testers version 1.8a yesterday. Version 1.8a includes the "sub-systems failures" module. It also includes the "scoring" module. The scoring works like seen as below.

    It is a slow going as you can see but I feel I am close to a public beta (of course I said that before...

    I will call on beta testers once i get some feedback from the alpha testers on 1.8a.

    Thank you all for your patience.


    ------------------- ViperOne Scoring -------------------

    ViperOne keeps tracks your points as well as your flight history. You get points for training and combat BUT only combat missions are counted in your LogBook and count toward your promotion and medals (not yet implemented) This rule may change in the future (what do you think?) You will get points for landing/bombing training missions but those points are just way for you to judge if you are making progress. The combat missions points will be added to your "total score" and can be seen in your LogBook window. The "score" button will show you your last mission score. The amount of points awarded (either during training or combat) will depend on your mission settings. You will get "bonus" points if for instance, you checked "enable wind", "enable failures" or unchecked "skip landing"

    Here a quick review of the missions currently available in ViperOne and the end game for each:

    - Take-off: This mission never end. Simply eject once you are in the air.

    - Landing and "flame-out landing":The mission will automatically end when you land and your speed is zero. You cannot land outside the runway (automatic jet crash and not points)

    - AG strike (with and w/o SAM's): The mission end when you destoy the ONE enemy target (status



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