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  1. #41
    Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    I believe more than 2000IU per day is not recommended and is the conservative upper limit for safety. I was taking 1000mg at first but then increased to 1400 - 2000IU per day. Those who have a VitD deficiency are obviously prescribed more. I read a couple of stories where some people had an adverse reaction to taking Vit D supplements and maybe I fall in the category of those people.

    As for the B-12, I read a couple of stories of it helping the inner vibrations. I thought I may have had a B-12 deficiency but my numbers were on the high side according to my blood test. My GP told me that too little is not good but that in some cases too much B-12 (according to some studies) can result in unwanted side-effects and medical conditions. My endocrinologist pretty much told me the same and since my system was already out of whack I decided to take her advice and lay off the supplements.

    What symptoms do you have if I may ask?

  2. #42
    jadziakl's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    Well Star I can almost guarantee you that you have a fungus problem. It is not something that doctors check for because it is not taught in medical school. It is a huge problem for millions of people. Ask your doctor for a prescription for Diflucan (flucanozole) which is an antifungal. Also go on an antifungal diet.

  3. #43
    crusader4life's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    I am just wondering, could your computer (or other electronic device/s) be (at least partly) the culprit to your condition? Also, I have read that L-theanine and L-tryptophan (I believe L-theanine is naturally found in green tea, and L-tryptophan is in turkey)supplements help with anxiety and sleeping. Melatonin supplements also helps (some)with insomnia, but it is a hormone, so be careful....research (if you haven't) these supplements, if interested. If you take supplements in lieu of eating foods rich in L-theanine and L-tryptophan, I would strongly advise that you research and consult with a/your physician. Of course, green tea does have caffeine, but there are decaffeineated green tea ( I used to drink a product called Madura tea which proportedly has a very small amount of caffeine in their teas) products out there. I would drink tea in the morning and rarely after 2pm, but that is me. BTW, do you take any prescription or non-prescription medication?


  4. #44
    07_ShelbyGT500's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    Hi point. Can you give me a little more detail of what you mean? Are you referring to candida or a yeast infection? If so, how would this be related to the inner shaking/vibrations and "motor" sensation that I'm experiencing?

  5. #45
    João da Silva's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    How do you plan to test the TMJ hypothesis? What therapies will you be getting for that; do you have any plan of action?

    I have heard that head pressure could be from TMJ, as well. My jaw snaps to the left easily (makes a cracking noise), I have some tension in that area, and I've always been a "clencher." But I wouldn't know how to work on relieving the TMJ, in any case.

  6. #46
    Marcelo's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    In reviewing this thread, your symptoms absolutely match lyme disease. Unfortunately given the lack of sensitivity of existing tests 46-58% accuracy--like flipping a coin), they cannot be used as a method of diagnosing lyme disease. The internal vibration and TMJ sx caught my eye, but everything you have mentioned creates a picture of tick-borne disease.

    I would highly encourage you to post on the lyme board to find a lyme doctor closest to you for evaluation. Lyme doctors usually also consider other viruses and bacterial infections that other specialists do not. A lyme doctor can rule lyme out or in clinically.

  7. #47
    Swaaqqqeeerrr -:D's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    Hi Star,

    Did you have your B12 blood serum level checked? If so, what was it? It's been a while since I've visited this site but some of your symptoms are similar to what I had experienced. If you get it checked and it is below 500 start taking Jarrow's methyl B12. I take 5,000 mcg daily. Read my other posts for the symptoms but in summary.... I have my life back. If it isn't your problem at least you have ruled it out. Since I discovered it for myself with some input from one of my doctors, six people that were made aware of it because of me have had improvement. Substantial improvement. Just get it checked. It shouldn't be an expensive test but it is so easily overlooked. Let me know. I wish you a happy and healthy New Year!


  8. #48
    belize91's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    Hi Benit. I was told to go on a "soft food diet" for a few weeks. I also had a custom mouth guard made for me that I'm suppose to wear each night but I don't. It seems like the mouth guard helps at times and sometimes I'm left wondering if it makes it worse. I was also told to put warm compresses on my jaw for 15 minutes at a time throughout the day. That gives some relief for a short period of time.

    As for all my symptoms in general, still no real relief. I went back to my ENT and he mentioned fibromyalgia being a possible reason for all of this. I had a hearing test which was fine and I'm going to have a series of tests in 2 weeks to check for an inner ear disorder. I told him about the buzzing/motor sound I hear and feel in my body.

    I went back to my GP b/c the buzzing/vibrating sensations and twitching started getting really bad again (especially in my face) and he basically asked "What do you want to do?" He said "what you're experiencing is out of the field of diagnosis... it's not something in the medical books." That really made me feel awful. I mentioned about the B12 again and he said no need to take it b/c mine is already high.

    Since I have higher than normal ionized calcium level and the low vitamin d, he now has me taking 50,000IU of Vit D once per week. Who knows if that will help, we'll see. My other calcium level is still within normal range.

    Also, I spent 8 hrs in the Emergency room yesterday. The last few days I've had pain in my arm, wrist, and some tingling/numbness and prickly sensations in my fingers. My hands shake a lot and my hand feels weak. I've been using a new mouse and spending a lot of time at the pc again which may be a contributing factor but I'm kinda freaked out about it. I keep thinking "ALS" or "MS." The 8 hrs spent in the ER was a waste of time. 5 minutes after the doc came in she asked "have you been treated for depression?" They took blood and lab results which came back fine. They said it's probably neuropathic pain BUT they think it's my worry of what the pain may be that is more an issue for me than the pain itself. In other words.... it's mostly all in my head. Same ole same ole.

    Well, I'm pretty much on my own for now. I'm tired of going to doctors and being left feeling like I'm a "head case." That's how I feel. I've been talking to a psychologist which has done absolutely nothing for my symptoms. I'm going to start taking ALA again, magnesium and continue with the Vit D. I'm going to try and exercise a few times per week. I also am going to look into a natural alternative for anxiety such as Valerian root or GABA. I've been taking benadryl at night for the buzzing and it helps somewhat. I had a glass of Moet on Thanksgiving and that relieved a lot of the twitching/vibrating/buzzing sensations but I obviously can't start drinking alcohol for relief.

    Btw, I notice that when the buzzing/vibrating sensation is in my back or arms, I tense up my muscles for 10 seconds and that stops it for a bit. Like
    I said before, it's noticeable when I'm at rest. As soon as I lay down, sit or stand still it's like my body continues "working" and on an adrenaline rush or something.

  9. #49
    ladywife's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    Well, I ask because I smoke and I have the EXACT same problems you are experiencing. Obviously smoking is not good for one's health, but I couldn't see it causing all these problems. Since you don't smoke, that at least gives me a little insight into what is--or what is not--causing these problems.

    It's funny, I actually replied to another one of your posts nearly a year ago and stumbled upon it again tonight (not remembering it) when I cross-referenced Chiari Malformation and alcohol. I as well have the exact same problems with alcohol and have just recently come across Chiari.... I am at my wits end with this stuff.

  10. #50
    Elizabeth Gonzalez's Avatar
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    Help! Multiple Symptoms and Still No Diagnosis

    Maybe I didn't explain it right but mine felt like what you just stated as far as feeling it "within." My doc told me that the dosage of amtriptyline I'm taking is quite low and is prescribed in low dosages for the migraines. I read a lot of reviews and opinions on it as a migraine preventative before taking it and didn't see anything that made me too nervous like I did with the blood pressure med my GP prescribed. I saw a lot of positive reviews. The only real negative thing I read was about the weight gain but with the way I was feeling at the time I didn't let that stop me from taking it.

    I'm going to start taking migrelief soon. I asked my doctor if it was something I could start off with first. They said they have patients who have had success with it for their migraines but encouraged me to use the amitriptyline first and then perhaps start taking the migrelief when coming off of it.



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