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  1. #41

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    Just to be clear, the service fee (from what I understand) is ONLY required for voice turn-by-turn directions. For everything else GPS there is no fee.

  2. #42

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    10. It is not a brick... compared to most smartphones out there
    9. What's "heavy usage"
    8. The 5MPx camera is still way better than your 2MPx obviously (same price too and without contract)
    7. 30FPS is dvd-like quality at least i can shoot video than nothing at all
    6. My E61i doesn't lag... plus, i read from your forums, some of u guys have to restart your phone every now and then because all the apps running on the background need some refresh...
    5. 8GB is 8GB doesn't matter which
    4. You are very ignorant, sir... the GPS is nice but we can also use the GoogleMaps applications (i know... surprising right)
    3. You must've been stupid... iPhone IS QWERTY keyboard... lolwut?
    2. Sorry im not american and from where im coming from, 3G is a norm (since 2005) so i can go home and plug simcard from home and surf away (with video calling too)... PLUS i am a big international traveler unlike you who is confined in your little farmland
    1. Safari and Symbian browser is based on the same WebCore just like Camino browser and Firefox is based on Gecko engine... Learn to read more informations

  3. #43

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    I'm still debating between the iPhone and N95, the biggest thing that is bothering me is the battery life. I need something that will last the whole day. I charge my phone every night, and don't really have much time during the day to give it a bit of a charge. If the N95 can last 12 hours with some playing time, I will get it. But I'd like some feedback from people who have it? And will the iPhone give me a whole day with some talktime and using safari for a bit?

    The one big thing that turns me off on the N95 is the fact you can only get a few hours of music playing on it, but get over 24 hours of iPhone music use?

  4. #44

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    Have you tried the iphone keyboard? I was a major skeptic, but after giving it a shot it was a lot better than i thought it would be. Still no match for even my suretype blackberry, but I thought it wouldnt take long at all to get it to be as fast as I was on T9. If I was out of contract, and the iphone had either: a better camera (as in, can replace my digicam), or 3G, I'd probably pick it up. Oh ya, it needs better email, too, and maybe a bigger harddrive

  5. #45

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    I havent tried it, but yes I guess ur right, depends on individual use. However, I'd still go with N95 because of 5mp cam plus actual working GPS and not google maps. Plus recording at 30fps is impressive

  6. #46
    Cars's Avatar

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    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    Nope. You'd have to be a fairly light user to get those hours outa the N95, if thats the case get the Iphone because music seems to be a bigger priority for you. Apparently it lasts 24 hrs on a single charge. Although if you are comfortable carrying an extra battery/charger on you, N95 would be the ideal choice.

  7. #47

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    iphone is very wide and long at 115X61X11.5mm. At 135g, I think it is too heavy to comfortably put in shirt pocket. Due to its big length and width, it will make a noticeable outline when put into pants pocket.

    The N95 size is more managable at 99X53X21mm (120g). Most of the phone is a comfortable 19mm thick except the camera rim/latch which protrudes out an extra 2mm.

    I think we also have established that the iphone battery life is not better than N95. Just check the numerous complaints on iphone lack of battery life. N95 can certainly last a day with heavy use like iphone (if you dont actively use GPS/wifi continously). If you are an extremely heavy user, for N95 you can always carry extra battery. No such luck for iphone.

    N95 is one of only a few camphones that can replace a dedicated cam (albeit a low end one). Iphone cam quality is still very far behind compared to N95. For most purposes N95 picts are good enough for large prints.

    Yeah..you keep comparing N95 to dedicated devices. Let me ask you. Can your dedicated devices make calls or do internet etc. And do you always want to carry multiple devices with you.

    N95 VGA quality video rec is even better than the quality you see on a normal tv broadcast. And quality is more than good enough to view on a big screen tv. For convergence, N95 is currently unbeatable.

    The first time you use the menu there is a lag because it is loading the data. N95 menu can have hundreds of application icons in multiple folders (compared to iphone pathetic 16) and those icons are not loaded all at once. Once the icons are loaded, the speed is instantaneous. The speed of the gallery has also improved greatly with newer firmware. N95 speed is not an issue like you make it out to be.

    This I agree. N95 is lacking in RAM but not storage memory which can be expanded upto 32Gb (4Gb microSD is out, 8Gb very soon). I have no problem with N95 browser loading the most heavy pages unless you are multi-tasking with other heavy tasks like Gallery or GPS.

    I have Google maps on my N95 and it even works with N95 internal GPS. For me, I rather use the Nokia maps because I can pre-load all the maps into the memory card and do not need to incur data charges with on-the-fly maps download like google. The N95 GPS maps is very usable even without paying for turn-by-turn prompts. You can still plan your route and it will still track your gps position.

    For most people T9 will just do fine (I dont think many will be writing long essay on the phone anyway ). But for a lot of situations the one-handed of N95/T9 is much more convenient. For iphone you have to drop everything you are holding before you can type a reply.

    I agree 3G is not a advantage in the US if you use it purely in US. For those who do a lot of travel outside the US, it may be an important function to have.


    On the N95, you just press side volume key to zoom. And you just slide to change to landscape view. You can do this as easy as iphone. No need for fanciful accelerator which sometimes do muck up. Navigation would be easier on iphone due to TS. But this is negated by the fact that iphone dont support java & flash which N95 do. You can forget about doing online transactions with iphone on sites which uses java applets.

  8. #48

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    Well since I already have the iPhone, I'm going to wait a until a US HSDPA version of the N95 comes out. N95i anyone? I know I'm crossing my fingers, but not necessarily holding my breath...

    I've already tested the iPhone minus the SIM card, since it is already activated, the WiFi, music and video player still works without the SIM, but the phone, SMS and Edge obviously do not. I also popped the SIM into a V3xx and the 3G seems to work just fine.

  9. #49

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    The iPhone is $599 with a 2 year contract and will only work with ATT and has special SIM card requirements.

    The N95 is $650 - ~$300 unlocked contract free from Macmall so a total cost of around ~$350.

    If you sign up for a new line of service through Amazon, your total cost for an N95 will be about $300-$350.

    Also, the iPhone browser, while pretty good, isn't exactly the god send people make it out to be. Try going through a few pages of gamespot.com Opera Mini 4 and Opera Symbian can handle it, Safari will eventually just stop responding completely. Also, the screen rotate function is slooow, especially when using Safari.

  10. #50

    Nokia N95 or iPhone

    Blame your beloved country for always being different from THE REST OF THE WORLD IN TERMS OF PHONE FREQUENCY...

    in all seriousness, I really do not understand why US is planning to employ different UMTS band why can't they just start phasing out 2.5G and start changing the 1900 band for 3G so they can combine it with 2100 to get the proper UMTS band



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