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  1. #41
    Enjeru's Avatar

    Meet ANN

    Quote Originally Posted by Enjeru
    Photo 2: http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f293/project_rook/02.jpg
    Nice pic. You look pretty cool. Seriously though, you're 29? Wow, you look about 10 years younger.[/quote]

    Thanks. I have been blessed/cursed with looking young. While in middle and highschool it was a curse, however once you creep up on 30 years old and still look like a college student.....it is my blessing and I hope to stays with me for as long as possible LOL

  2. #42
    kolibri's Avatar
    I'll play!

    Name: kolibri
    Gender: Female
    Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Marital status: married
    Religion: Agnostic/Yogi
    Drink/Smoke: Neither. I drink a glass of champagne at new year's, but I hate cigarette smoke. I can make a fool of myself perfectly sober, as you all know.
    Favorite music: I listen to pretty much everything, except Country & Western (so sue me). At the moment I'm going through a big J-Rock phase.
    Favorite sports: Don't watch any. Can't avoid ice hockey here though.
    Favorite games: Don't play videogames, but I like board games - Puerto Rico is probably my biggest favorite right now. Also Carcassonne, Chez Geek and Settlers of Stone Age are other regulars.
    Favorite anime: Naruto, Planetes, Princess Tutu, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fullmetal Alchemist (in no particular order)
    Favorite manga: D. Gray-Man, Loveless, Banana Fish, Monster, Naruto, Bleach, Antique Bakery, NANA (in no particular order)
    Likes: Friends, hanging out with them and chatting about nothing and everything. Yoga, the spiritual and physical calmness it brings me. Cosplay and cons, meeting new people and being amongst fellow geeks.
    Dislikes: Stupidity. Ignorance. Unwillingness to learn. Spoilers. Seriously, you know those.

    Fun facts about kolibri: Although I'm a complete geek, work in an office and code for living, I'm also a qualified yoga teacher and I teach yoga and meditation part time. So maybe that fact is not too fun, but maybe it's interesting? Also even though I live in Canada I'm not Canadian - I'm actually originally from Finland, although I haven't lived there for ten years. Was that fun? No? Well, how about this - kolibri means "humming bird" in several languages, including Finnish. It's a nickname my hubby gave me because I'm "small and briliant" - aww? I'll shut up now.

    Ooh, look photos:
    Yes, Delta, summer comes to Canada too.
    Blond? I can do blond!
    And a mandatory yoga photo

  3. #43
    past's Avatar
    Junior Member

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thread hasn't been disproved of by mods and decided it would be fun to come up with my own bio, so I did, so I might as well post it.

    Name: Past (who dislikes the name she was born with so we'll just use my forum username)

    Sex: TG - MtF

    Location: Nebraska, USA

    Marital Status: Single never married, have dated but not in a relationship right now.

    Sexual Orientation: pansexual (I'm attracted to people for their personality. Sex, gender and other physical attributes are irrelevant to me).

    Age: late 30's

    Religion: None (atheist)

    Drink/Smoke: Likes tequila, beer, rum and drinks alot of Coke with or without alcohol. Non-smoker and annoyed by 2nd hand smoke.

    Likes: All animals except for rednecks . Hobbies: anime, music (classical, techno. reggae, R&B, J-pop, classic rock, J-rock, goth/industrial, and others), singing, cooking (but I can't bake cookies to save my life), nature and am an avid treehugger.

    Dislikes: Probably the thing I hate the most is waste, as in things like objects and money. It's all about the 3 R's. Hates all types of sports with a passion, except martial arts if you consider that a sport. Foods I dislike: pineapple, watermelon, mustard, beef, garlic, mountain dew, sweet things and cold things (except for cold beer or soda), yogurt, cream cheese, vodka (one of the few liquors I dislike - and I'm Swedish). Other dislikes: Country music, Christian music.

    Favorite Rock Bands: Pink Floyd, Yes, Smashing Pumkins, Larc~en~Ciel, Journey, Def Leppard and Stabbing Westward. And the song I consider my theme song if there was a show about me: Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode.

    Favorite Anime: Fushigi Yuugi, Angelic Layer, Hunter X Hunter (lots of others but these are my top 3).

    Video Games: don't play much based on not having the time to do so, but I like RPG and puzzle video games and am a PS/PS2/PSP devotee (have never owned game systems other than Sony ones). Favorite game: FFVI. Next game: expecting to get Legend of Heroes III for PSP which will possibly make up the extent of my future gaming time. Also likes Blizzard PC games (but then again don't have time).

    Favorite Foods I: Mexican, used to be Italian and Japanese food has always been a close 2nd or 3rd. I am another person who really likes chicken (most favorite meat), but I also love crab and most other seafood/fish. Plus I very much dislike beef and can't stand canned tuna. If it's fresh baked or smoked tuna it's fine but for some reason canned tuna I find repulsive.

    Favorite Foods II: Sushi, orange juice, and tends to enjoy food best plain with few addons like toast and butter, cheese pizza, ham and cheese sandwiches, coffee black or with a little milk.

    Things I dislike about myself: Tend to not respond or interact well with authority. That's pretty much why I have the job I have right now, I get to be a real slacker but I also have a good work ethic as long as I don't have to deal with actually reporting to a "boss" on an hourly basis.

    Things I like about myself: Usually very forgiving of people who treat me bad, and end up making good friendships with people I originally started out hating.

    Not so interesting or fun facts about Past: Originally from Hawaii, have lived all over the U.S. and got a degree in Environmental Biology from SUNY in New York. Although I have been to Japan and love Japanese culture I would have to say my favorite country is Spain and fell in love with it after visiting, and plan to someday live there.

    Maybe interesting fact about Past: has a relatively high tolerance to heat and natural toxins, poisons, etc.

    Sorry no photos of Past (coming soon maybe...)

  4. #44
    kolibri's Avatar
    I'll play!

    Name: kolibri
    Gender: Female
    Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Marital status: married
    Religion: Agnostic/Yogi
    Drink/Smoke: Neither. I drink a glass of champagne at new year's, but I hate cigarette smoke. I can make a fool of myself perfectly sober, as you all know.
    Favorite music: I listen to pretty much everything, except Country & Western (so sue me). At the moment I'm going through a big J-Rock phase.
    Favorite sports: Don't watch any. Can't avoid ice hockey here though.
    Favorite games: Don't play videogames, but I like board games - Puerto Rico is probably my biggest favorite right now. Also Carcassonne, Chez Geek and Settlers of Stone Age are other regulars.
    Favorite anime: Naruto, Planetes, Princess Tutu, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fullmetal Alchemist (in no particular order)
    Favorite manga: D. Gray-Man, Loveless, Banana Fish, Monster, Naruto, Bleach, Antique Bakery, NANA (in no particular order)
    Likes: Friends, hanging out with them and chatting about nothing and everything. Yoga, the spiritual and physical calmness it brings me. Cosplay and cons, meeting new people and being amongst fellow geeks.
    Dislikes: Stupidity. Ignorance. Unwillingness to learn. Spoilers. Seriously, you know those.

    Fun facts about kolibri: Although I'm a complete geek, work in an office and code for living, I'm also a qualified yoga teacher and I teach yoga and meditation part time. So maybe that fact is not too fun, but maybe it's interesting? Also even though I live in Canada I'm not Canadian - I'm actually originally from Finland, although I haven't lived there for ten years. Was that fun? No? Well, how about this - kolibri means "humming bird" in several languages, including Finnish. It's a nickname my hubby gave me because I'm "small and briliant" - aww? I'll shut up now.

    Ooh, look photos:
    Yes, Delta, summer comes to Canada too.
    Blond? I can do blond!
    And a mandatory yoga photo

  5. #45
    Pacific Pikachu
    Pacific Pikachu's Avatar
    Name: Kristin
    Sex: Female
    Location: Nevada City, CA (Little itty-bitty town between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe)
    Marital Status: Single, not really looking
    Age: 19
    Religion: I worship the great Yoko Kanno.
    Drink/Smoke: Neither--never have and never will.
    Likes: Outside of anime, rehabbing wild orphaned/injured birds (I specialize in crows, magpies, and jays), watching The Office (US), collecting weird pets, writing, drawing, reading, sleeping, listening to music (Yoko Kanno FTW!), and playing excessive amounts of Pokémon. :wink:
    Dislikes: Babies, intolerant people, animal abuse, shallow/meaningless entertainment, tomatos, and meat.
    Favorite anime: Pokémon for nostalgic value, Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Monster, Mushishi, Gankutsuou, RahXephon, Haruhi, Haibane Renmei, Last Exile, Kino's Journey, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto... Many, many others.
    Favorite game: Pokémon Diamond! I'm addicted.
    Fun facts about Kristin:

    - I currently have nine birds in my room.
    - I'm a vegetarian and have been since birth.
    - I have over fifty pets.
    - I'm obsessed with the number 528.
    - I cosplay!
    - I have worn nothing but shorts in twelve years, despite living in an area where it snows. XD
    - I hope to write and publish novels, and I actually mean it
    - I have no recent pictures of myself.



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