So as my husband and I are trying to figure out what I want to do for a career and a happy living, I can't help but keep running back to Photography. I've decided that and/or cake decorating. When I was in the 10th grade, I took a photography class. This was in 2003-2004. I thought it was something I would be interested in, and boy was I right. I fell in love with it!!! Sure in my class, because it was the beginner class, we didn't get to take the cameras out of school to take photos, and there isn't much around the school grounds to take pictures of, but it was probably the best class I have ever taken and I am SO glad I did.

Now, I've forgotten just about everything about photography. Just about. The part that matters most to me is the type of camera I like to use, and what's best for me getting back into it, without having to upgrade any time soon. I like fully manual cameras. Mostly the Manual Focus. Film, so 35mm. I just plain out, don't like digital cameras at all. Anything digital about cameras for me just.. seems so lazy for photography. I'd like something that has manual focus, 35mm, is able to switch and use different lenses, and doesn't cost a huge fortune. I'd like to do this professionally, so please help me out. Any advice, recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I do plan on taking some photography classes or workshops to relearn what I have learned, and learn new things.

Thanks so much! Please, no rude remarks.