I dated this guy for about 2 months. We really hit it off quick. He even asked me to meet his 2 year old son. We slept together and then everything changed. He stopped calling me, stopped all communication. A few weeks later after we slept together, I finally talked to him and I asked him why he was avoiding me. He said it was just sex and basically told me he didn't want to have anything to do with me. He was mean and very hurtful. After that conversation, I wrote him off and never thought about him again. I just took it as a lesson learnt. Now he drives by my house all the time and he slows down when he gets in front of my house. My mom told me she also ran into him at the grocery store and he stared her down and gave her a dirty look before leaving the store and peeling his tires out of the parking lot. Let me set the record straight first, I have no feelings for him anymore and I have no intentions of ever talking to him again. He really hurt me. I am just wondering though... why is he doing this after he said he used me? Why is he driving by my house and why does he feel the need to give my mom dirty looks? I am so confused.