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  1. #1

    For Conservatives: Have you tried to debate a liberal and had your facts met...

    ...with name calling, slander, other? Whether debating a liberal online, face to face, or on this site I find that my facts that don't fit their view of the world they react with name calling. Some of it harmless playground stuff, but other times they have to slander you, call you racist, sexist, nazi or other slanderous name. Our current President is a prime example of these actions. He has gone so far as to declare war on Foxnews. Yeah attacking and freezing out news media organizations works, just ask Nixon.

    So tell me your story and or disagree and tell me how they never as Pelosi did make false claims "CIA LIED TO CONGRESS" or those protesters look like NAZIs and have the best manners during debates like our Presidents political motto of "they hit us we hit back twice as hard" only problem with that is he is getting hit back twice as hard too and it is shocking the state run Obama media that they dare to disagree with their messiah.

  2. #2
    Tired Trucker's Avatar
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    Liberalism is based in emotion, not logic. So you can't be surprised when they respond with emotional, illogical outbursts. I was discussing politics with my mother prior to the election, she's a die hard liberal. It ended up with her turning up the radio full blast after saying "I don't want to discuss this anymore."

  3. #3
    Leyanis R's Avatar
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    I hear you! I think they slander us because they get stuck and have no rebuttal for the facts we have, that they result to insults and name calling. I was watching Fox news yesterday, and it just seemed odd to me that Glenn Beck's show was interrupted for the second time so that President Obama can speak. Maybe I am looking too much into it, but I think it was targeted exclusively towards Glenn.

    My mother, father and brother are huge supporters of Obama. My mother has gotten very comfortable with the government. She was trying to convince me to live off the government too. "You should apply for section 8 and then you wont have to worry about affording rent", she said. I can't seem to wrap my head around that, especially that I love to make my own money. I love that I can pay for my own stuff and feel that I have accomplished things without needing the help of anyone, especially the government. I debate this with her, considering she's from Cuba and hated the Cuban government, to then enjoy living off the American government? I know there's a huge difference between the Cuban and American government, but we came to America to succeed, not to slack around to live off welfare.

    I personally don't want the government running my life or my business.I work hard for my money and don't think it's fair that I should give it to someone who slacks off, or chooses not to work. I don't think that I should have to pay into this health care system for someone who smokes cigarettes and is diagnosed with cancer because of his/her lack to take care of his/her body. I pay for my insurance to cover my needs, not for someone who is careless. And don't get me started on abortion!

  4. #4
    Zap's Avatar
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    Actually, the "war" is against lying...I'm sorry that you find it so necessary to lie to further your political agenda.

  5. #5
    Head Acorn's Avatar
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    Liberal tactic 101. Demonize, play race card, demonize, play race card...repeat as necessary.

  6. #6
    GOZ2FAST's Avatar
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    Liberal ideas don't make any sense, so they can't defend them on merit, statistically or with common sense...that is why they have to resort to trying to kill the messenger who spreads the truth about their idiotic ideas.

    Liberals pretend to be the ones who care about people, when statistically they give less to charity than any other group, if you look at the cities they have been in charge of over the past three decades, those are the cities who have the poorest of the poor...They really aren't helping anyone but themselves to other people's money. They are selfish narcissists who line their own pockets while pretending to help everyone else. Katrina is the perfect example of a bunch of liberals who were in a power...they ruled over extreme poverty and then in the face of disaster abandoned those who needed help the most (they had buses under water and their excuse for not using them to evacuate people is, they didn't have anyone to drive them). They are inept, inexcusably lazy, and their government programs enslave and hold people under the poverty level.

    There is a saying...give a man a fish, you feed him for one day. Teach him how to fish, you feed him and his family for a lifetime. Instead of "spreading the wealth" liberals need to learn to "spread work ethic", because it is the only way to create wealth...spreading it just diminishes everyone...taking away the wealth and making everyone equally poor.

    Liberals have no values, no morals and believe in nothing but themselves and what they can get from someone else...The socialism they wish to spread is a cancer which eventually kills it's host.

  7. #7
    Yep. That's what they do. I actually had one who thought that after Obama is finished, Michelle is going to run and win. When I laughed and told him that liberals were saying that Bush was going to declare marshal law to stay in power, he told me that Bush was advised to do just that! And this nutjob claims to be a Major in the Marines! LOL They just can't debate the facts because they don't want to hear them. Acknowledging the facts would be a danger to everything they believe in, especially about Obama.

    (You forgot to mention that everyone who criticizes the messiah is a racist. Frankly, I'm glad they do that. Being called a racist used to bother me. Now, I couldn't care less and, in this case, I'm proud of it.)

    Oh, the great liberal website huffingtonpost. Most be true if they say so. Liberals are getting funnier everyday.

  8. #8
    Danielle's Avatar
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    On this issue Conservatives have no moral high ground both sides are as bad as each other when it comes to insulting the other side.

    I would certainly debate you on any issue without name calling and I am a liberal.

  9. #9
    Dan's Avatar
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    Never had it otherwise. If it's true, He is importing hamas Friends to kill You non muslins and to vote demoncratic.

    Liberals are smarter and more sophisticated than Conservatives, so when they call us names it must be true.

  10. #10
    Fakename's Avatar
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    You cant use facts on a liberal. They will insult you, and then change the subject. They think you are trying to insult them or force your entire worldview on them even if you are trying to correct them on the facts, because they are dealing on an emotional level. The sum of being a liberal is to be outraged. They feel that people who are logical instead of outraged must like the problems of the world, because they cannot imagine people being mature enough to be composed.

    The second you consider a fact in politics, you are no longer a liberal. You are an independent or a conservative now.



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