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  1. #1
    Simon W's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Low Blood Pressure and bloched arteries in head

    hey there can anyone tell me if my blood pressure is very low or average.Also I have a blackage of the arteries and chronic pain in my back andlegs.All I want to know in which nobody kmows anything and I am seriously in so much pain everywhere.I had 2 strokes already but I am not sure how to get the blood pressure chart to see if it .

  2. #2
    Johan Abraham's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Low Blood Pressure and bloched arteries in head

    just exactly what DO 'your' normal BPs tend to run like?(give me like the last three BPs if you can?) you didn't mention that part? some people are kind of more naturally hyPOtensive just like some are more prone to hyPERtension? i too am usually more on the hyPO side myself. the 'average" norm for the 'standard" person is around like 120/80? that would be considered 'normal for most of the average population. but anyones BP can also kind of just 'be' their own normal too? alot kind of depends upon just how WERE YOUR 'normal' BPs actually running BEFORE all this actually occured?

    just exactly 'where' are your blockages located and have they told you what is causing the blockage since it can be from many different sources, even having an out of alignment spinal in certain places can kind of impinge off a certain level of bloodflow, it all depends. are you currently taking any blood thinning meds to try and prevent having another stroke? have your docs given you any real options to try and remove the blockages? have you actulaly seen ANY real vascular specalists of any kind yet? what meds do they currently have you on? has anyone like a good pain management doc been seen for you to just get much better management of your pain?

    just an FYI here for ya just in case you were even thinking of this as a possible form of help for your situation, do NOT seek out the help of ANY chiropractors with what you just have going on here,K? alot of things can occur when a person actually goes that route, but with what YOU have going on, its just really crucial that you personally never ever get ANY chiro adjustments done or it could very easily casue at least part of a clot or blockage to dislodge itself which as you already know could be disasterous with what you have going on already. any info i asked about would really seriously help here. FB



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