...points PLEASE ANSWER? So he had this friend who was a girl and he used to have a huge crush on her. but then he met me and liked me and so obviously now we are going out..but before we started dating and we were just friends, this other girl and him got into an argument..and it was the girls fault. so now that we are dating and they are still in this no talking immature argument i get to hear about it ALLLLLL the time. and i told him, that the fact she can control him emotionally like this made me jealous..and he said he was sorry..but he was REALLY good friends with her apparently..and now everything is horrible and they are barely aquaintances (sp?) so i talked to the girl and from what she said, i don't even think she knows why she is mad at my boyfriend. the whole thing is completely rediculous and i keep telling my boyfriend he did nothing and she is just being selfish and making him feel bad for no reason. and wont believe me, and since he is a sensitive guy this whole thing REALLY has effected him. and no matter how good of a girlfriend i try to be and help fix this, it isnt my problem. so i dont know what to do anymore fom here. he talks to me about this fght they're having and goes to be for friend advice and i have nothing more to say on it. this girl pisses me off. im jealous and quite frankly am beginning to hate her..even though she is nice to me. she has my boyfriend on this emotional leash basically. she is the cause of his sadness all the damn time. i don't kow how to deal with this. what do i tell my boyfriend??? how can i help him forget about her and move on....please i even told him one time i think he likes her more than me....but he said absolutly not, and that he just doesnt take things well when good friends are suddenly out of his life. she tried to tell me the reason they weren't friends is because of my boyfriends mood swings..but he's fucking bi polar and can't help it. it isnt his fault and shes too stubborn to understand him. she made him feel horrible and said he "needed help" please someone tell me what i should do.