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  1. #1
    nicey's Avatar

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    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    Note: I'm starting this thread now because of the thread regarding Negativity in Animation and the thread in the DCAU forum that talks about the hypotheticalness of Batman The Animated Series remaining in primetime. Plus I've needed to get this out in the open for sometime.

    We've had discussions before about how the general public doesn't give a hoot about animation and how there's little demand for it. My stance on that and I know others share it, is that the networks misread the general audiences opinion on animation (they chalk it down to viewers disliking the medium).

    My stance of course is that the general audience doesn't necessarily dislike the medium, but they avoid watching it because of the stigma that animation is for children and 40 year old virgins. I mean logically the only thing that should determine your viewing habits is Personal Preference, yet many people choose programs based off Peer Pressure.

    1. Yes I know that people in general watch Family Guy, American Dad and Simpsons, but that's not really a big surprise considering they have adult content. The only exception I see in King Of The Hill. Otherwise those same viewers would watch programs that have subtle adult overtones, containing an all age appeal (i.e. Freakazoid, Pinky & The Brain, Gargoyles, Batman The Animated Series, Superman, Batman Beyond, Justice League/Justice League Unlimited, The Spectacular Spider-Man) as much as they do their dramas, sitcoms and reality shows.

    2. Yes I'm aware that adults watch many of Disney's Live Action sitcoms despite them being targeted to tweens, but that's due to them having glamourous actors/actresses.

    As long as it has a famous actor/actresses and/or adult content, then it's considered acceptable by social standards.

    Yeah, I'm aware that my thread border's on the theme "What if the world was a better place?" but:

    Let's just say that the networks factored peer pressure into one of the many reasons why their audiences don't watch cartoons. And for the sake of discussion decided to use perception to draw more viewers into animation (cause we all know that the general public won't back down from peer pressure anytime soon). My ideas:

    1. Using the Disney Channel for an example. I've always suggested that they could have marathons of some of their highest rated cartoons hosted by their sitcom stars. Not only that but having the cartoons that feature voice work from said stars (such as Cole & Dylan Spouse, Raven Symone, Kyle Massey, Ashley Tisdale, etc). Because whether some viewers like animation or not, they're likely to give said show a try if it features their favorite actor/actress.

    2. Not sure which channel could try it, but something of a series or short series of interviews that showcase celebrities that have a fondness for animation (I believe Mark Hammil enjoys the medium for one, and Robin Williams is an anime fan I believe. These are just examples though). Cause while sterotypes don't die, it would lessen the perception that adults who view animation are 40 year old virgins who failed at life.

    3. A minor one, but generally when an adult character on a sitcom enjoys something like animation, that character is portrayed as a goofball who has no place in society. And again, people eat sterotypes up as fast as Mickey eats cheese, so the thing to do is having an adult character with an interest in animation portrayed as a humored, but reliable and senible individual.

    Again, I know this is the equivilent to asking "What if the world is a better place?" but I just felt I needed to ask this question.

  2. #2

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    if there were cartoons made for the general audience (closesT I see is simpsons) kids watch it and adult watch it and teenS can enjoy

    but we only sEe most cartoon made for kids IN AMERICA!

  3. #3

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    They could try a publicity stunt. Works for many live action shows.

    I mean, they could just have something that looks straight out of their animated shows.

  4. #4

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    Well, Disney is already doing that. :sweat:

  5. #5

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    Take away live-action studios and make it so the only way to make shows or movies is by using animation.

    That's the only way I see it working effectively in society.

  6. #6

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    The networks can make "cool" cartoons. Celebrities aren't going to get the mass audience to watch old cartoons that for the most part weren't written to appeal to it. Of course, the mainstream networks suck and would rather keep on giving us reality TV and bad sitcoms instead of innovating.

  7. #7

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    But how would my suggestions be ineffective? As long as you convince the audience that animation is cool, they'll give it a shot whether it's for kids or not.

  8. #8

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    Disney's been doing your first one (LA VAs in cartoons) but it, and the rest of the suggustions don't seem like it'd make animation have mainstream appeal to the casual person. You'd be hard pressed to get the average people to watch a cartoon about the exact same thing they can see in a live-action show. Which is why Family Guy and Spongebob are so popular, they can't really be done in real life.

    Unless there was no LA alternative, people will always pick the LA crime-drama to the animated one. So if LA didn't exist, they'd have to choose animation.

  9. #9

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    Nether can Justice League/Justice League Unlimited or Gargoyles.

    As far as Disney goes, they only do the first one to a minimal degree (ala commercial mention). I'm talking about a full blown marathon with the actor actively participating in it.

    Not that simple. I mean, when most posters on here recap those around them criticize them, the reasons for criticism pertain to:

    - "Not being cool".
    - "I'd be embarassed if people knew I watched this".

    Again, the majority of the viewing audience care more about the perception of those around them rather than letting themselves be entertained. To put it simple when the mindset of those who don't like animation are more along the lines of:

    - "If I watch cartoons, then my parents, friends and the peace corp will never let me hear the end of it".

    As opposed to

    - "Just doesn't do anything for me".

    That's why the majority of people rush into sex or do drugs, because they want to gain the approval of those around them.

  10. #10

    How do you think the networks could persuade the audience that cartoons are cool?

    Please tell me you're not equating sex with drugs.



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