i have just paid out a load of money to have my back garden done including it to be turfed.
my back garden is not private really as i have nosey neighbours next door that any window they look out of they can see in my back garden. also behind my back fence there are houses and if they go upstairs to their bedrooms then they can see into my back garden too. my wife and i have done our garden so she can sunbathe in a bikini (thong bottom part) and i can lie on my stomach with a thong on so we can get fully tanned. will we be exposing ourselves/is it legal to do this or can no one complain or do anything about it as we are in our own back garden on our own property?
thank you
i didn't say they are hanging out of a window. i said they are nosey, whenever we come out in their garden they do, they peep over the fence and sometimes they open a window wide so they can watch us like we are putting on a circus lol
and as far as a thong for me goes, my wife wants me to wear it and wants me to get a tan on my bum. OK!!!!