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  1. #1

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    I found the "every movie must have a strip club scene" fad to be excruciatingly boring. You can avoid most of the vampire movies, because you KNOW that they're gonna be about bloodsuckers. But if I wanted to watch a movie for people who were over 18, I had to sit through half an hour of bouncing titties. Since titties (bouncing or not) don't do a thing for me, this means that I spent more than a quarter of each movie twiddling my thumbs, rolling my eyes, and otherwise getting aggravated. These scenes interrupted the movie, which otherwise might be quite good, and brought me out of the story.

    I have no objections to a movie which is about tits and ass, let's just be upfront about it, and call it softcore porn, and keep it out of the other movies where it will only be a distraction for half of the audience. Even the people in the audience who might enjoy the sight might also lose track of the story.

  2. #2
    Boyo Jim
    Boyo Jim's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    Playing right now on my cable system
    From Dusk Till Dawn 2
    Lust at First Bite
    Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
    The Thirst

    A little earlier, reruns of Twilight and True Blood (rerun pretty much every night). And others I can't even keep track of.

    I am so tired of this bullshit vampire crap. I would think by now the ideas would have been bled dry from the genre.

    And that goes for goddamm werevolves and zombies. And incestuous cannibal zombies, and zombie werevolves, and ... and Goddamn Zilla too.

    Can't we have more movies with naked chicks who AREN'T horribly slashed or torn to pieces once the clothes come off?

  3. #3
    Bridget Burke
    Bridget Burke's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    Quote Originally Posted by olivesmarch4th View Post
    I never found vampires particularly scary or interesting.

    But I recently started watching the Buffy series and love it.

    It doesn't make me suddenly passionate about all things vampire-y. I don't get the hype either. Vampires are the most boring villain there is. Maybe that's why they made them into ''good guys.'' Because as bad guys they aren't very scary.
    I seem to remember both Angel & Spike speaking contemptuously of people who'd read too much Ann Rice.

    Then, there's Buffy Versus Edward...

  4. #4
    Stink Fish Pot
    Stink Fish Pot's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    Amen to your rant.

    I couldn't agree more. Vampires and werewolves. I can understand it for a scare now and then. Harmless fun. But the obsession our culture currently has with it baffles me.

  5. #5
    Martini Enfield
    Martini Enfield's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn Bodoni View Post
    I found the "every movie must have a strip club scene" fad to be excruciatingly boring. You can avoid most of the vampire movies, because you KNOW that they're gonna be about bloodsuckers. But if I wanted to watch a movie for people who were over 18, I had to sit through half an hour of bouncing titties. Since titties (bouncing or not) don't do a thing for me, this means that I spent more than a quarter of each movie twiddling my thumbs, rolling my eyes, and otherwise getting aggravated. These scenes interrupted the movie, which otherwise might be quite good, and brought me out of the story.

    I have no objections to a movie which is about tits and ass, let's just be upfront about it, and call it softcore porn, and keep it out of the other movies where it will only be a distraction for half of the audience. Even the people in the audience who might enjoy the sight might also lose track of the story.
    I'd be interested in some titles of movies which you think are of the "Full of bouncing titties/must have a strip club scene" because I must say I can't recall many non-porn (softcore or otherwise) films from the past few years that would qualify, with the exception of things like Sin City and a couple of other films clearly aimed at a more "Mature" audience than your standard "R" rated movie.

    Obviously there's going to be nudity in "Mainstream" films, but I certainly don't recall (and haven't noticed) it being de rigueur in the way you're suggesting it is, at any rate.

  6. #6
    Alice The Goon
    Alice The Goon's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    Haha, uh yeah, no. Now the goths have found a place to fit in and be popular, since everyone's into it. They will keep it popular for a long time, I fear. The demographic- tweens and teens with black nailpolish, lipstick, and hair- is not going anywhere any time soon.

  7. #7
    Rigamarole's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    Quote Originally Posted by Justin_Bailey View Post
    That's the really frustrating thing. Compared to most vampires in fiction, the Twilight vamps are much less sissy than most.
    How so? They don't even feed on human blood. (and I'm ashamed to admit that I know enough about Twilight to know that what I'm saying is applicable only to the "good" vampires, but still)

  8. #8
    foolsguinea's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    At this point I'm just sort of amused.

    But yeah, it's offensive.

  9. #9
    Leaffan's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    At this point I'm just sort of offended.

    But yeah, it's amusing.

  10. #10
    Lucky 13
    Lucky 13's Avatar

    Enough with the Fuckin' Vampires

    Quote Originally Posted by Leaffan View Post
    At this point I'm just sort of offended.

    But yeah, it's amusing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis Costello
    Well, I used to be disgusted
    But now I try to be amused

    Seriously, though, I'm getting a little tired of the vampires also. I wish all those people who wish a vampire would come and bite them because vampires are OMGsohot would realize that the vampire would just think of them as a meal, nothing more. I saw a comic strip once in which a group of teenagers sees a couple of vampires walking by and make some comments about how sexy vampires are, only to have the vampires turn them into a mostly-sucked-dry heap of corpses. I think the tag line at the end said something like "To you, they're hot. To them, you're lunch."



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