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  1. #1
    tjdobbs's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Thanks to all who are posting to this thread. I'm 43 and went through posterior fusion the end of 2004 and then another procedure 3 months later to fix the problems from the first. I've been in pain management for about 2 years due to horrible lower back pain. I'm to the point that we keep increasing the morphine every other month and I'm struggling mentally. My ortho dr just recommended the Axialif procedure as well as cleaning up the issue of the cages and bone that is pressing into my nerves. I'm scheduled for the procedure in April. Please keep posting with your progress. It's been really helpful in making up my mind on going ahead with the procedure.

  2. #2
    grundy56's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    It's easy to read other peoples problems in to your own, and everyone's experience is different, so the last thing I want to do is scare you! Your symtoms sound different to mine.
    When I got home I was so relieved that everything seemed to have gone so well. which is probably why I started hunting around for info from others who might have had similar experiences when I started feeling more painful.
    Since my last post a few days ago things have actually been worse, and of course this can play havoc with my mind.
    The pain has been in the op area itself, and spreading through my right buttock, down the back of my thigh, and sometimes in the back of my calf. I had tingles in my left buttock, which I have never had before, but they have now stopped.
    I have had all the pains in the right buttock and thigh from time to time before the op, and I keep telling myself that they too, went away. It is difficult to remain rational when you really don't know exactly how you should be feeling. Just because a procedure is minimally invasive it doesn't necessarily mean that one's recovery is going to be without its problems.

    One of the most difficult things for me was that before the op I was feeling very fit! I still chose to go ahead in spite of this because I knew that it would be a question of when, rather than if, my back started playing up again.

    It was a calculated risk.

    I am nearly 59 years old, and I have a passion for winRABurfing and love outdoor life generally. I was never able to predict when my back would start giving me jip. It could happen at any time, and often seemed unrelated to anything I had been doing. I used to do a lot of exercises to try and keep it stable.

    I hope the X ray I have on 30 March shows all the ironmongery is in the right place, and that other things are as they should be. I'll post an update at that time, or earlier if these symptoms improve before then, and I hope that what I have to say will fill you with some confidence!
    Best wishes,

  3. #3
    chatterboxsd's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Hi. I had an XLIF at the thoracic level 2 years ago. I know the structures are pretty different there, but the recovery was tough. I can compare because the XLIF fusion failed. I had a posterior revision fusion surgery and the recovery wasn't nearly as bad. But, do take that with a grain of thoracic salt!

    I would definitely encourage a discogram to confirm the right level. You do NOT want to go through this surgery to find out it was the wrong level. And it can happen, especially at that lurabar level. I know they're very uncomfortable, but you want the job done right.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    mksdks3's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    I hope you are doing better. I will continue to be anxious to hear your updates. You are the only I have much information from concerning the Axialif procedure. Feel better!

  5. #5
    mksdks3's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Grundy56: What did you find out about the broken screw? If you posted the results I missed it! I am anxious to hear what they will do with the screw.

  6. #6
    stay2654's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Has anyone gone through this or have any info? I met with my neurosurgeon and he suggested this. Any advice would be greatly apprecitaed.
    I had a laminectomy last April and a positive dIskogram in Deceraber.


  7. #7
    grundy56's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    I just wondered how you were?

  8. #8
    Johnwr's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    The Axialif procedure is only done at the lurabar levels. In fact, while approved several years ago for level S1/L5, it has more recently been approved for S1/L5/L4. It goes through the sacrum bone, so it only applies to the lurabar vertebrae.

    I'm not sure what a discogram is, but I"ve had both xrays and complete MRIs done. They know exactly where my issues are. I agree that I wouldn't have anything done unless they know where they're going and what they intend to do when they get there.

    Good luck. I'd appreciate knowing how things go. I'll be pulling for you.


  9. #9
    grundy56's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Janie-Thank you for your query on drugs for neuropathic type pain. I am taking amitryptaline (normally this is an anti depressant which I could do with anyway!), which I understand has the same effect as Lyrica. I thought it was helping, but I am only taking 20mg a day, and I am thinking of asking my GP if I should increase the dose, or perhaps try something else. Dothe drugs you mentioned work in different ways? I am always concerned about the side effects, but my mission in life is still to get back to doing the things I enjoy. Have you found that the cocktail you ended up feeling comfortable with allowed you sufficent pain relief to lead a normal active life?

  10. #10
    am141404's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    I had it done and am so much worse off than before. My first bit of advice is to see an orthopedic surgeon instead of a neurosurgeon. I believe that was my first mistake. It has been over a year and I have L5 nerve damage which is permanent, my first surgery came unscrewed and had to be removed immediately. I am on vicodin still to control the pain. I can't do anything! Please be careful and research your surgeon. Come to find out mine has already been sued!



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