i like a boy andi think he flirts with me a lot. When we met he teased me constantly and danced with me, and I caught him looking at me.I teased him about him hitting on another girl and she then came up to me and told me that he wasn't hitting on her but he liked me, though I don't know if she was just winding me up. And he talks to me a over facebook; he asks me if im going out and where im going or what im doing. Though he said he was only asking because he wanted to know who was out that weekend. He says things like 'if you see me say hi' and 'ill look out for you' and stuff. When he found out we lived near each other he was like 'omg why didn't you tell me!'. He asked me what I was doing after work and what I usually did, I thought he was going to ask me out but he didn't. He puts kisses at the end of his messages and calls me things like hun and sweety. I told him I'd seen him around and he joked 'did you see me and think wow he's hot' he also joked that i had hit on him before and wound up with the wrong person.But i know he has a lot of female friends and he sort of talks to them the same way, my friend says he sometimes talks to her and he calls her hun too
I can't tell if he's likes me or is just friendly. How can you tell the difference between a friend or someone who fancies you?