Tomorrow I meet face to face with the directer for a role in a REALLY large studio movie. A chance of a lifetime. It's me against 5 others for the part and I'm supposed to dress like a techie. I have it pretty well pegged what I should wear. There is a fine line between being nerdy and techie. I'm looking for some idiosyncrasy's one might have. I know this is a silly question but every little bit of information helps. I'm kind of one at heart. Sort of. LOL or maybe just a nerd.
baxterville...Thank You . I have totally reconsider my wardrobe. I can't believe I was going to go in with what I was going to wear. I put on an open button up shirt. Nice pants and belt and a shirt that says "Free Truman" (Jim Carrey's Truman Show.) My iPod touch in a nice leather case hanging from my belt and a cell phone hanging from my belt. Techie's always wear some sort of label on their shirt. I picked Truman over a Zelda shirt. I just thought it fits. If I get this I will remember how much your answer helped me. Thanks again. :-)