My T2 went off the rails two days ago. Like the other recent post on the T2, it started with having to apply a lot of stylus pressure before the stylus was recognized, and if that failed, re-booting. Then I noted the T2 seemed to be losng power very quickly. Finally, two days ago, it just quit recognizing the stylus altogether. I can access 4 programs by using program buttons, but obviously I cant enter anything. It won't connect to my desktop, either. I've done endless reboots, and it's fully charged. I read the Palm advisory on what to do if the Palm won't fire up or recognize stylus - make sure it's charged. Thanks, Palm. I wouldn't have thunk of that. Glad to hear any last-ditch suggestions, folks.

I wonder about Palm products. My first Palm Vx failed about a week out of the box, a Palm keyboard I bought literally fell apart after just a few uses, ( I just swallowed the cost on that one) and now the T2 dies after maybe 18 months. Between the keyboard and T2, I've spent a few hundred bucks for what seems to be junk. Does Palm have big quality problems? Looks that way to me.