Ok, so I've been browsing some videos about reptiles on youtube, something I haven't done in a while, and I just need to rant a little bit. Every channel is of some kid about age 8-13 keeping reptiles. Now I don't have a problem with this, but there are a few things that concern me. First off, many of these kids have over 20 reptiles, which in my opinion is ridiculous. The reason for this is the fact that there is no way these kids know how much money it takes to keep this many animals, and keep in mind, these aren't just geckos. There are 12 year old's with red tail boas and Burmese pythons. Care videos, most of these kids that do care videos have only had the animals for a month or two, not nearly enough experience to actually know enough information about the animal to tell someone else how to care for it. The cages are commonly to small or not suited for the reptile. Arboreal geckos kept in cages 12 inches high, 3 bearded dragons being housed in a 40 gallon breeder. The sad thing is that with most of these kids it's just a phase. Many channels have videos talking about how they are just getting out of the reptile hobby and are selling all of there animals when they have 10 herps. Alright, so that was my rant. Im not trying to say that all kids are like this, I just find that on youtube most of them are. I would also like to know your thoughts on this.