We Read Brave New World, Where everything Is government run and I basically compared it to the Obama administration in an essay supposed to analyze the meaning, but he said I could compare it to things like mandated healthcare, but I went a lot farther than that.
@ Harwarda- Here are a few parts:
Of coarse, the book shows the extreme if government has too much power, this might not be a completely realistic prediction of what is to come, but there are definitely some similarities between this world Huxley portrays and what goes on today. Lack of individualism is one of them. If you take a good look at President Obama's Health Care bill and other ones just like it around the world. It takes over the individual. It forces you to have the insurance that the government wants you to have, instead of better insurance for which you can pay yourself. It eliminates competition and other health insurance businesses. Unfortunately, many people will see this as a good thing, and refer to it the "affordable health care bill," when in reality it is just a government takeover.

But, the most anti-God occurrence happened in the government recently with a mandate for all organizations to provide birth control and includes the morning after pill, which some wo
And when did I say dictator? I don't care if he had permission, it's Big Government. Including all of the regulations he's putting on businesses. You're just an idiot and you didn't even answer my question.
And according to the Constitution, any power not given to the Federal Government is given to the States. I don't think they said anything about healthcare, so that is a state issue, not a federal government issue, which makes it completely unconstitutional. And, he didn't get permission, it's not going to pass.

And I guess he got permis
And according to the Constitution, any power not given to the Federal Government is given to the States. I don't think they said anything about healthcare, so that is a state issue, not a federal government
And according to the Constitution, any power not given to the Federal Government is given to the States. I don't think they said anything about healthcare, so that is a state issue, not a federal government issue, which makes it completely unconstitutional. And, he didn't get permission, it's not going to pass.

And I guess he got permission for Libya, right? No, he just started bombing and stayed in longer than he was constitutionally allowed until he was overruled and forced to take them out.
ok, that last one posted like 3 times...
And I watch CNN as much as I watch FOX and always do my own research, which is why I am smarter than you. You can't argu any of my points.

Btw- I'm not some establishment GOP guy. I'm an independent for small gov. anti Bush, too.