Lately I'm noticing people using the expression "Good on you!" a lot. I can't stand it! It sounds so country/ghetto. The expression is "good FOR you" not "good ON you." How can you have good on you? Sounds so dumb.
What other ones bother you?
Oh, and also "I don't any way, shape or form." People who say this think they sound smart, but it really just makes them sound redundant. Why not just say "in any way?" The "shape or form" really adds nothing and the expression has been done to death.
Oh, and "going forward." Another thing where people thinks it make them sound smart. It just sounds cliche. And when people use "anymore" to mean "these days." As in, "Anymore, people dress so casually all the time." You don't start a sentence with "anymore," and it's only meant to be used in the negative.
Ugh, people use the pluperfect tense wrong all the time; again, thinking it makes them sound more intellectual. As in: "I had told you that." "I had bought that," rather than simply "I told you that" or "I bought that." Pluperfect is for an event before an event, not for something that just happened.
Well, personally I have nothing against expressions of politeness or building one's vocabulary. We can all stand to build our vocabularies in order to more precisely express what we have to say. Welcome the opportunity to learn new words and expand your horizons. I'm thinking more of expressions that are inherently dumb or often misused.