well my situation is that one day i was with my friend mind you hes married straight and with a kids. basically while he was shaking my hand one day as i was about to pull back he grabs my hand tight and with his finger scratch the palm of my hand. what does that mean? im starting to like him after so many years of being his friend , i don't want to end the friendship but he doesn't know about me. and another detail is that when we leave the gym when we are about to leave he sometimes grabs my leg and tell me how good im starting to look he done it many times i dont know if i should read to much into that.. i feel he might be bisexual but fears to come out to me or anyone, one time while going on a trip he extended his arm and he crested my ear. can someone give me some advice on what should i do or should i just leave it as how it is and wait for another sign.?
could my friend be bisexual ?