A Paypal account that George Zimmerman failed to reveal to the court during the bond hearing was linked to a website Zimmerman created to raise money for his defense in the Trayvon Martin case. NBC’s Kerry Sanders reports.
>>> a developing story tonight in florida in the trayvon martin murder case. judge has ordered george zimmerman back to jail. nbc's kerry sanders is there. kerry, what happened?
>> reporter: well, lester, george zimmerman has been ordered to turn himself in to authorities in less than 48 hours . florida prosecutors say it was misrepresentation, deception and an outright lie that led to george zimmerman 's release on bond, following the killing of 17-year-old trayvon martin. zimmerman has pleaded self-defense. at issue a paypal account that george zimmerman failed to reveal to the court when the judge granted him bond. that account was set up with a website zimmerman created to raise money for his defense. at the bond hearing in april, zimmerman made no mention of the account, even though it had grown to more than $135,000. trayvon martin's family attorneys say this goes to the heart of the case, that if george zimmerman would lie to the court about this account then how can he be believed when he alleges what happened the night trayvon martin was killed in february? lester?
>> kerry sanders thank you.